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Sorry but this will be super short


Memories are the treasures that we lock deep within the storehouse of our souls

Here Lies

Kariya Misaki

xxxx - xxxx

Just like his name indicates a hunter who looks for a prey

Once locked on a target he traps them in his net of pranks

And starts his pranking on his victim

Laughing mocking at his victims mistakes

And just like a prey the hunter fell in love with his victim

Who changed his view about life

On the right is another stone and there carve something.

The pain passes, but the beauty remains

Amemiya Taiyou

xxxx - xxxx

He is like the sun that burns all the darkness that surrounds him

He lights the way of those who are lost

And gives warmth to those who are in need of acceptance

And even in the darkest of the night

His light radiates and synchronizes with the moons light

"Hey guys sorry if it took us a little longer than usual" Ranmaru apologized.


"Daddy! Sorry were late!" Taichi apologized running towards his daddy's grave.

"Father" Momoi called walking towards her father's grave, while the two adults looked at their children.

"Hey dear, sorry if it took us forever to get here" Tenma apologized kneeling in front of his husband's grave, while patting Taichi's head. The four of them started telling on what's been happening with their life all the while the other's comment on each other's stories and laughing at each other's antics.

"And then we had a new member joined our club her name is Kuromi!" Momoi exclaimed happily.

"She's a very fast learner and a very good defender too" Taichi butted in and the two of them started talking about their new member and friend.

"It's just sad that her mother is gone" Momoi said sadly looking at the ground.

"That's just life is dear, we can't live forever we all have to say.... Goodbye someday... but just because they're not here with us doesn't mean they're gone forever... our hearts and memories will always make them alive within us" Ranmaru explained looking softly at her child.

"But papa, I don't want us to separate" Momoi answered sadly.

"I...I...already lost father... I...I don't want..."Momoi couldn't continue and she started rubbing her eyes as tears come out of it.

Taichi looked at Momoi and couldn't help but looked away and up into the sky as to not see his daddy's name on the grave stone. Tenma could only look at Momoi sadly while Ranmaru hugged her daughter from behind. When Tenma looked at his son Taichi he just rubbed him in the head, they were quiet for a while before Tenma spoke up.

"Guys I think we should head back now, don't you think so" Tenma suggested, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, we should head back too. Momoi Tenma why don't you give your father's the flowers that you picked for them" Ranmaru said looking at the bouquet flowers the children are carrying.

While they were giving their flowers for Masaki and Taiyou, they heard a footsteps coming their way but stopped.

When Tenma and Ranmaru turned around both of them were shock as they saw two familiar faces with a shock expression

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