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I'm so sorry for the long wait you guys

Anyway here's the next chapter


When someone you love becomes a memory.... That memory becomes a treasure


"Momoi Taichi let's go" Tenma called popping his head in the living room looking at the two kids who were watching a kid's television show while Ranmaru is already starting to prepare the car. It's a weekday but all of them didn't go to work and school excusing themselves for that day since it is a special day for them.

"Yes Papa/Uncle" the children answered getting out of the couch and started walking to the car while Tenma turned off the television.

When Tenma came to close the door and walked towards the car the kids were already seated and they drove away. After a thirty minute drive they've stopped at a flower shop. Everyone went out of the car and went inside the flower shop.

"Ok kids buy any kind of flowers you like" Ranmaru said as he and Tenma also looked at the flowers displayed.

As Tenma looked around a familiar flower caught his eyes. It was a color yellowed flower that is in full bloom, for some unknown reason it reminds him of his Taiyou. Tenma stared at it for quite a while that he didn't notice a person stopped behind him.

"Excuse me sir. May I help you with something?" the shop owner asked.

"Uh! No! I was just wondering... this flower..." Tenma couldn't continue since he himself doesn't know why he was attracted to this particular flower.

"Oh! That flower? That flower's name is Sun Flower and that flower has a very good meaning" the shop owner said smiling tenderly at Tenma.

"Really?" Tenma asked curiously.

"Yes" the shop owner answered.

Meanwhile Ranmaru, Momoi, and Taichi were still looking for the perfect flowers that they will give.

"Neh, Momoi have you picked something already?" Taichi asked still looking at the flowers for the perfect present.

"No I haven't yet" Momoi answered looking around at the different flowers.

"Excuse me sir. May I help you with something?" a female voice asked, they looked up to see a women who works in the shop.

"Uhm... well were looking for a gift for our lovers" Ranmaru answered.

"Well then if that's so what are you looking for a flower?" the women asked.

"Blue! A color blue flower" Momoi answered looking at the women.

"Mines a yellow flower" Taichi answered.

"Well then if it's a blue and yellow flower you are looking for we have gentians, perennial geranium, brunnera, clematis for the blue flowers for the yellow flowers we have a chrysanthemum, yellow rose, yellow tulips, yellow dahlia, marigold but of course there are many more" the women said while Ranmaru stared at a blue flower that is somehow drawing him in.

"That's name is blue flower also known in German as Blaue Blume. You said you're looking for a flower for your lovers then I suggest you take that it will suite you and your lover well" the women stated.

"Really?" Ranmaru asked and the women nodded.

"Miss what's the name of this flower?" Taichi asked and the women looked at him then at the flower.

"Its name is Black eyed Susan and it has a very good meaning" the women answered and Taichi nodded.

"Miss how about this?" Momoi asked as she handed the flower she chose.

"That's an Iris flower" the women answered.

"Guys are you done picking flowers?" Tenma asked walking towards them, he was holding a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Yeah, we already got ones" Ranmaru answered.

"Excuse me ma'am a bouquet of flowers for each of the flower that we picked" Ranmaru said and the women nodded.

She took the three's flower and went behind the flower shop, a few minutes later the four of them went out of the flower shop and they drove away again. A few hours went buy and they stopped at a grass field overlooking the sea.

"Wow!" the children exclaimed looking at the clear blue sky and sea.

"Guys come on I'm sure they're eager to see us again" Tenma said smiling sadly.

"Momoi come I'm sure you're excited to see papa again" Ranmaru called and the two children walked towards their father and took hold of their hands while on their free hands are a bouquet of flowers that they chose to give. After a few more minutes of walking they were nearing on a cliff and they could see two stones up ahead. There were writings on the stones.

Memories are the treasures that we lock deep within the storehouse

of our souls

Here Lies

Kariya Misaki

xxxx - xxxx

Just like his name indicates a hunter who looks for a prey

Once locked on a target he traps them in his net of pranks

And starts his pranking on his victim

Laughing mocking at his victims mistakes

And just like a prey the hunter fell in love with his victim

Who changed his view about life

On the right is another stone and there carve something.

The pain passes, but the beauty remains

Amemiya Taiyou

xxxx - xxxx

He is like the sun that burns all the darkness that surrounds him

He lights the way of those who are lost

And gives warmth to those who are in need of acceptance

And even in the darkest of the night

His light radiates and synchronizes with the moons light

"Hey guys sorry if it took us a little longer than usual" Ranmaru apologized.


In my heart is a memory, and there'll always be


So yeah, they're dead

Please don't kill me

Sorry for the Masaki and Taiyou fans out there

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