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"Steph! Come downstairs, Maya is here" I take one last look in the mirror, utterly hopeless. I swing my bag over my shoulder and quickly slip into my white converse and run downstairs.

"Bye mum love you!" I run out the door and Maya is waiting for me as per usual.
"Finally, Steph I've been waiting here for ages"
"It's Monday give me a break!" I sigh, kicking a small pebble.

Luckily school is just a short walk from my house, we reach the gates and begin walking through the large corridors and go to our lockers.

"What do we have first?" Maya yanks at the lock in anger,
"I'm pretty sure we have math"
"Ew..." A very familiar voice says from behind "it's only Monday, why does school even exist?" I turn to face Jakob.
"For idiots like you" Chris smirks as he walks toward his locker.

I grab my books and join Chris, Ethan and Maya in the empty classroom while we savour the last 15 minutes before class started.

"I honestly can't wait for camp, it's gonna be sick" Ethan says excitedly "wait... Didn't Mrs Thomas say the cabin list would be up today in the hall?"

We all bolt towards the hall pushing past every student in our tracks, and sure enough the list was up.

We all scan the sheets looking for our names, I spot mine. Cabin 14: Stephanie, Maya, Sandra, Daniella. 
"There's a Daniella in our year?" I ask confused
"Probably new" Chris shrugs, "guys, class starts in like 5 minutes, we better go back" we all sigh and un-enthusiastically make our way back to our classroom.


"Where the hell am I," I frustratedly shout at myself, I horrendously speed walk down the long corridor and find my class at the very end.

Of course I struggle to open the stiff door but finally manage, I open it completely and step in the classroom, to find the whole class staring at me. What is wrong with me, already ruined any theories of me being a somewhat normal person, I feel my cheeks heat up and decide to try and end this embarrassing moment and speak up.

"Is this-uh-Mrs Thomas' class?" I quietly ask,
"Yes it is dear go take a seat next to Maya," she politely answers and points to a short girl with long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and olive tanned skin she smiles and shows her straight white teeth. I keep my head down and sit next to Maya.

In the corners of my eyes I see people looking at me and as soon as I turn my head in their direction they turn their head so quicker you would think they were flinching. At least this is only homeroom.

"Uh sorry would you mind if I follow you to class I sort of don't know where I'm going?" I say to maya and a girl with similar features, longer and straight dark brown hair, green eyes and olive tanned skin but instead she has just a few freckles on each of her cheeks and is a little taller.

I'm already so jealous of their looks they're so pretty and flawless. There are also three guys standing awkwardly behind them smiling at me, I'm probably the ugliest and weirdest person they've ever seen.

"Of course follow us!" Maya's friend says, "My names Stephanie but everyone calls me Steph and these are Chris, Jakob and Ethan ." She says happily pointing at each of the boys.
"Nice to meet you and as you know I'm Daniella but you can call me Dani," I smile trying to not seem so weird,
"Oh I think you're in our cabin at camp!" Maya squeals,
"She's a little hyped for the new school year," Chris laughs,
"As if," she protests back, and we walk to class.


Today has been a long day, Daniella hung out with us as well. I usually hate new students because they're always a pain in the ass, but I can tell that Daniella will be different. She's taller than Maya and Steph. She has long wavy light brown hair, ocean blue eyes and pale skin she also has s few freckles which I think are cute. I can tell that she'll fit in easily with our group.

"So Daniella, I know you don't know us very well but tonight we're going shopping and get an ice-cream or something?" Steph suggests,
"Omg that would me so fun! Plus you're in our cabin we need to get to know each other," Maya says
"Of course I'd love to!" Daniella says happily. We all walk out of the school gates and walk towards the mall.
"So Daniella what sort of things do you like to do?" I ask to break the silence,
"Well I surf and I play soccer and that's it what about you guys?" She awkwardly laughs.
"I play soccer but I play in the next suburb and yeah I love it?" Maya also laughs. Once we get to the mall we go to a few surf shops because the guys didn't mind those shops either.


Dani seems nice, it's kind of weird how well she fits in with our group.

"I guess we should make our way home" I yawn, my stomach aching for food.
"Where abouts do you live Dani?" Jakob smiles
"Stalker much?" Steph smirks
"It's fine" Dani laughs, "I live a few streets away from the school, Near the park"
"No kidding!" Jakob exclaims while we all roll our eyes, "I live near there too! Chris, Etho, Steph and Maya all live beside the river.

"Later guys, good luck Dani" Chris laughs, patting Jakob on the shoulder, "let's get going ass wipes" everyone laughs. We say goodbye to Dani and Jake and walk back in our direction.

"So what do you think of Dani?" Ethan asks,
"She's so nice!" I squeal,
"...and pretty," Jakob adds which makes us all laugh hysterically on the side of the footpath.
"Hey Jakob Why are you walking this way anyway?" Steph asks after literally pissing her pants.
"I'm going to Chris's to help him pack for camp tomorrow, I can't believe they have it on the second day, so much for giving us time!" He replies.

I actually completely forgot about camp I still have to pack. Camp is always so dramatic and stupid girls hooking up with stupid boys like seriously camp is actually the most messed up thing ever.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I shout behind me and run inside. Even though there is so much drama that goes on at camp I still love it and camp this year is almost two weeks!

Hey, it's our first chapter don't judge. It will get better, if you have any pointers for writing on Wattpad then please comment ;)

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