e l e v e n

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Daniela ˚

Today is my first soccer game and I'm soooooo scared. I put my kit on and go downstairs to have breakfast.

"Are you coming to the game?" I ask my Mum as she does the dishes.

"Sorry honey, Jacobs mum and I are going shopping and then to lunch, how are you going to get there?"

"I'm not sure. I could walk but I'll ask Jake." I run up to my room and dial his number.

Jakob - "Hey Babe," His voice makes me melt
Dani- "Hey, How are you getting to the match?"
Jakob- "I'm walking, do you wanna walk together?"
Dani- "Yeah, i'm almost ready see you soon"


"I'm so nervous," I sigh showing a worried expression

"You're going to do fine, you're one of the best on the team," He assures me and wraps his arms around me kissing my forehead.

We walk onto the pitch and warm up. I look over to the opponents and sigh. They're all boys they're going to think i'm so bad.

We put our stuff on the sideline and get I get into my position, centre midfield.


Jakob is striker so he starts of with the ball, he passes is to the other striker, Anthony and Jakob runs up the side. The other two midfielders run up the side while I stay back to cover them. Anthony passes the ball down to the left midfield, Damien and I run up the middle. Damien passes is to me and I run with it for a while. When Jakob is clear I pass it up to him and he scores. He runs over and hugs me and we get back in position.


We're about to start second quarter and we have the same positions except the other team gets to start with the ball.

The opposing striker passes it across to their centre midfield but I get it just before them. In the corners of my eyes I see Jakob and Anthony run up I look back at my feet and dribble the ball up.

"Dani watch out," I hear Jakob yell.

I look up and everything goes black.

Jakob ˚

"Dani!?" I run frantically over to her while Anthony gets the nurse, she's passed out, probably a concussion. I look over to the other team who were busy laughing, I walk towards the idiot that hit her.

"Woahh chill man, it was an accident, plus she's a girl she's weak as," accident my ass.

"Bullshit, she's probably better than all of you put together," I swing a punch at him and things begin to get rough, he doesn't just knock my girlfriend out and get away with it.

"Break it up boys!" Coach yells pulling us away from each other, I look down at the blood on my shirt, the idiot gave me a blood nose.

"Jakob get off the field, you're not playing the next two games. Have I not told you there is other ways to sort out your differences" what bullshit is this.

"Come on he hurt my girlfriend what do you expect me to do? I'm not just going to leave it," I yell.

"I'll think about it but now is her Mum here?" Coach asks.

"No she's out with my Mum."

"Ok well we need someone to go to the hospital with her," Coach says. I don't even reply I just run onto the back of the ambulance and they drive to the hospital. I hope she'll be ok, I doubt she would be out all day if it was just a concussion.


I'm currently in the waiting room at the hospital and i'm really nervous she's still unconscious. A doctor walks out of the room, "is she okay? Can I see her?"

"Yes she's fine, just a small concussion, just take it easy she's still recovering. Her mother is not informed yet but I trust that one of you will tell her." I run into the room and she lays comfortably on the hospital bed with bruises on her forehead and down her arms with bags under her eyes, somehow she still looking gorgeous.

"Dani, oh my god I'm so happy you're okay" I hug her tightly.

"Jake what happened?" She says confused

"You got hit in the head and got a -"

"No silly, I know that" she places her delicate hand on my face wiping away the dirt from the fight earlier. My nose is still bloody and my nose is most likely bruised. "Are you okay?"

Before I could answer her the doors slam open, and the rest of the Scooby gang enter. "Dani are you okay?!" Maya asks genuinely concerned

"Jake you look like shit! What happened man?" Ethan asks

"Some dickhead ran straight into Dani and he called her weak, I obviously wasn't going to leave it." I explain and Chris laughs,

"You're her knight in shining armour." We all laugh and the doctor comes in.

"We're just going to redress her cuts and bruises and then she can be discharged, one of you maybe text her mother and see what her plans are. She is going to have to be off sport for two weeks not only for her concussion but other injuries." She explains.

I text Laura, Dani's Mum to tell her what the doctor said and said that Dani can stay at mine if she wants since her and my Mum are having a night out in the city.

"Dani, my sister's coming to pick us up you're going to stay at my house is that ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah that's fine," she yawns and we wait for Mikaila.

My sister arrives and we get into the car.

When we arrive at my house I go around to help Dani but she's asleep. Her head is against the glass and quiet snores leave her mouth. I gently pick her up and walk her up to my room and place her on my bed. I pull a blanket over her and make sure she has a comfortable pillow for her head and turn the lights off.


Hey lovelies, we're running out of ideas. Well try continue if you want us to.

Karzonado xx

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