f i f t e e n

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It's the second week of school and I'm still getting awkward looks from other students. It's actually so annoying.

I quickly get dressed and walk down the stairs grabbing my lunch.

"Bye Dad," I sigh, knowing I'm going to have to spend another day being that weird new student.

I walk down the street and stop at the milk bar and get Jakob and I a chocolate bar to maybe get us through the math test ahead of us, and walk to Jakobs.

"Hey Babyyyyyy" he drags out as he smiles and hugs me. I giggle and we start walking to school.

"How are you feeling today?" He asks me and I shrug.

"It's ok I just don't want to keep being known as the new student, I guess."

"Awwww babe," He laughs turning my frown into a grin.

We walk into the school gates and head to our lockers

"Morning love birds" Chris rolls his eyes "please do us all a favor and keep the pda to a minimum"

"I know I've only known you for a few weeks but you've really had an effect on me Dani" Jakob smiles.

"The only effect this whole thing has had on me is on my upchuck reflexes" Chris adds

"Hypocrite! Maya has you totally whipped, you two are Frenching like a a few French people at a Frenching festival"

"And that's my cue to leave" Steph giggles walking away from the drama

"We better get to class guys".

And that's my cue to groan.

We walk to our first class which is English which isn't too bad. After English we walk to math. Yay. I give Jakob the chocolate bar and we sit down next to each other with Steph in front of me Maya on the other side of me and Ethan and Chris behind Jakob and I.

"Ok kids, no cheating. You've got forty minutes. you can start whenever." Mr Edwards just nods and we start.

50 minutes later the test was finished, boy that was hard.

"I'm think I failed that" Steph sighs, "I left every second question blank"

"You're the smartest person I know Steph, I'm sure you did fine'" Ethan says patting her on the back. That's the first time in ages I've seen them lock eyes. Stephs face relaxes and the silence around us gets awkward.

"I'm starving let's go to the cafeteria." Chris whines. We all agree and follow him.

"I've already got food," I say passing Jakob the packet of chips as I bought two this morning.

"You guys are actually adorable." Maya squeals.

"Says you." I laugh back.

I look over to Steph who's looking at the ground picking pieces of her rice crackers. I feel so bad for her and Ethan. I know how much they love each other as friends. I just wish they could get passed this and just go for it.

We grab a table out on the lawn and get our food out.

"We're going to that milkshake place around the block after school, everyone's coming no excuses" Jakob laughs holding my hand as we sit down.

"I can't come, I'm busy" Steph half smiles

"Bullshit" Jakob says rolling his eyes

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