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Luckily this week went really quickly and it's finally Saturday. I have no plans so I might call the others and see what they want to do.

I roll out of bed and throw some shorts and muscle top and head downstairs.

"Morning sweety, what are you doing today?" My Mum asks while making herself breakfast.

"I'm not sure, I might call my friends and see if they have any ideas," I say lazily sitting in a chair.

"Well you can invite your friends over for a sleep over if you want, your Father is on night shift and i'm having a girls night out and i'm staying in the city. I don't want you to be alone."

"Alright, i'll ask my friends." I jump up and grab my phone.

C- Hey guys sleepover @ my house tonight?
J- Yeah, time?
M- Yea
S- Sounds good
D- Ya
E- yeah mate
C- Thanks, come over @ 3 so we can hang out as well, bring movies.

I decide that we will all sleep in the theatre which is next to the bathroom.

- 2:30 -

"Christopher," Maya's here.
"Hey babe," Maya giggles,
"You don't have to call me that,"
"Good because it felt weird," We both laugh and walk up to the theatre. We put out mattress' and sheets along the front of the theatre and put blankets on all of the chairs. Once we've finished we go to the front room and lay on the couch, I kiss Maya's forehead and we lay their in a comfortable silence playing with her hair. That is until the others ruin it by knocking on the door.

"Hey guys," I say,
"Hey Chis, when did Maya get here?" Ethan smirks, oh shit. play it cool.
"Just before you did like a minute or two ago,"I lie,
"Ok, if you say so." Ethan says as he wiggles his eyebrows. They walk in and put their bags away and we sit in the theatre.

"What do you guys want to do?" Dani asks twirling her hair.
"Let's go to the shops to get food for tonight." I suggest,
"Yeah, we can get KFC for dinner and chips and stuff," Jakob and his KFC. Everyone agrees and we head out the door.

"Can't. Walk. Any. More," Steph breathes as she drags her feet along the footpath. Ethan stops in front of her and she jumps on his back. Seriously why aren't they together?

We have finished shopping and we are currently sitting in KFC waiting for our food. We ordered a truck load. Well Jake, Etho, Maya and I did. Steph and Dani legit just got chips and popcorn chicken. They get full so quickly.


"If I eat anymore i'm going to throw up," I groan whilst holding my stomach,
"I don't think I can get up," Ethan stretches. We eventually get up and walk back to Chris' house.

"So guys, the plan for the rest of the evening is to watch movies and eat. I think Mum is gone now to we can talk shit about people and yeah," Chris keeps blabbering on about rules and stuff. Obviously only Chris has rules.

We walk inside and all fall to the floor. We have aching feet and no more strength.
"I thought I was fit," Dani laughs,
"I thought you were fit too," I laugh, she stops laughing and glares at me and everyone else starts laughing. I don't even understand why we're laughing.

We all sit on the theatre chairs, i'm on the end then it's Dani, Maya, Chris, Ethan and then Steph's on the beanbag because she's antisocial. The girls got to pick first and picked the movie and choose Finding Dory after all we did recently watch Finding Nemo.

We snuggle into the blankets and Chris turns on the movie.

"Mayaaaaaa, stop moving," Dani whines.
"If you don't like it then move away," Maya shrugs continuing to move. I laugh and pull Dani closer to me.
"Stop whining," I whisper and she shivers, I put my arms around her and she puts her head in the crook of my neck.
"Yay now I have more room!" Maya squeals and lies on Dani. She's crushing her oh my gosh. "Steph! Stop being anti social" she rolls her eyes, "at least come and sit with us, loner"

"No way, I'm comfortable here on my own" she was sitting a few meters away from us curled up on a bean bag with a giant maroon blanket covering her.

"Suit yourself loser" Ethan snickers and sits on Steph, now Steph's going to get crushed.
"Can you guys shut up and let me watch the movie," Chris cries.
"Nope," Ethan laughs popping the 'P'. Ethan and Steph argue for most of the movie, Ethan wants to sit with her but she wants to sit by herself but Dani and I know they both want to sit next to eachother and snuggle because Steph likes snuggling.


"What are we gonna do now?" Chris asks
"Ohh let's play truth or dare..." I grin at Stephanie knowing that she absolutely hates this game. "Who's starting?"
"I will!" Jakob laughs, "dare"
"I dare you to drink an entire large bottle of iced tea" I knew Jakob would do it, no dare is too much for him.
"These dare's better get better or i'm going to fall asleep," He says being smug. Jakob quickley runs downstairs and back upstairs with the large bottle and sculls it.

"Ok me!' Ethan squeals, "I choose truth."
"Were you crushing on Maya in 3rd grade?" Chris chuckles, I nudge him laughing my head off
"No way!" Ethan laughs
"Oh sure Etho" Jakob giggles.
"I was, well have been crushing on someone else." Ethan says now seriously. Our silent chuckles fade and the room is silent. Steph gulps and Jakob looks confused.
"But you said-" Chris starts but Ethan cuts him off,
"I know what i said but I said it to hide who I really like,"
"Who do you like then?" Dani asks and raises an eyebrow,
"Um, well... Ariana Grande of course!" He says and we all start laughing, we all know he's lying. I'll get it out of him.

"Who's next?"
"Okay Chris truth or dare?"

We continue for about an hour and get hungry. We head down stairs and get domr cold pizza out of the fridge.
"Hey guys where's Ethan and Steph?" Dani asks.


I like Steph and I can't hold it in anymore I have to tell her. I know she doesn't like me beack but I have to tell her before I explode. I was going to say it earlier but I didn't want to get rejected in front of everyone or humiliate Steph.

"Steph, can I uh talk to you quickley,"
"Sure." She says slowly, she puts her phone down and sits next to me on the beanbag. "What's up?" Here goes nothing...
"I- um... kinda like you..." Damn Ethan do you always have to be so darn awkward. *waits painfully for the rejection*
"Well I'd hope that you liked me after being best friends since forever" she laughs, shit. She just doesn't get it.
"No Steph, I like you, like you...." she looks down at her hands awkwardly
"I- um I think the pizzas are ready, we better go..." she stands up and walks to the kitchen. I knew this was coming but I didn't think it would feel so painful. My breaths were short, I had a sharp pain in my chest and tears were threatening to spill at any second. I probably just ruined our friendship and I know that's really important to her. I can't go downstairs she won't look or talk to me ever again. Maybe I can sleep in the guest bedroom. I'll ask Chris.

I fight with myself to go downstairs but I can't. Everyone probably thinks I'm taking a shit or something. I pace the hallways and walk up and down I actually didn't realise how embarrassing I look until Dani bumped into.
"Oh, Ethan are you ok?" Dani asks looking concerned.
"What do you mean, everything's fine," I'm not fine.
"Why are you crying?" Oh shit I did cry.
"Can you keep a secret?" I ask her.
" I like Steph and I told her but she ran out on me, I really stuffed up Dani,"
"Ethan it's ok, it's pretty obvious she likes you she was probably feeling the pressure or shocked. You should come downstairs and have some pizza and then talk to her." She says patting my back,
"Thanks Dani," I say still feeling like a complete loser.
"That's ok now I have to pee so bye." She shouts behind her already there.


Hey Lovelies,

Look who finally updated! Sorry it's been so long we've had no wifi for so long and no reception either.

Please stay with us we're still going to publish.

Karzonado xx

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