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Today is the day we go back home. It's gone so quickly and i'm honestly so sad. I pack my bags and try to take them outside. Too heavy.

"Need some help?" Dani asks. We laugh and I nod my head. We both our stuff on the bus and take a seat. I sit down next to Ethan but I have a isle seat so Dani and I can talk since Maya and Chris sat at the very back.

"Ok kids 4 hours to go," Mrs Thomas says. Such an enthusiastic woman.
"I can't stand this," I say to Dani, "It's too long."
"I know, you can't keep me trapped on a bus next to this freak."
"Hey!" Jakob playfully slaps her and laughs.
"Do you think the same about me?" Ethan whispers to me,
I loathe the bus, I come to the conclusion that a better waste of time is sleeping. I rest my head on Ethan's shoulder and shut my eyes.

-back at home-
We run off the bus faster than a pack of cheetahs excited to eat proper food and shower in hot water.
"we should go and get some food I'm hungry" Dani whines, I pretend not to hear and begin walking to the front gate, I honestly just wanted to go home. I start walking out the gate with a line of people following behind me like the seven dwarfs in Snow White. What a classic.
"Bye guys" I smile subtly and hop into my dads car
"How was camp sweetie?"
"Okay I guess. Just tired" typical teenage response. Obviously.
I'm going to be so tired tomorrow I can't believe we still have to go school.


"Daniela if I have to ask you to get up one more time you'll be grounded." Mother's these days.
"I'm up," I effortlessly put on black jeans with a cropped white tee and white converse, I do my hair without looking because I can't open my eyes and I attempt to do my hair in half up half down. I make my way to the front door, bumping into things on the way. I open the door and stand there for a minute, still with my eyes closed.

"Jakob? Are you there?" I reach my arms out trying to find him and of course I fall down the stairs. Jakob catches me, well I hope it's Jakob.
"Haha yeah it's me," Jakob laughs. It takes me a minute to get my eyes open and we walk to school.

"Maya I almost died!" I scream while laughing at the same time.
"Lmao how?" She asks,
"Well I woke up and I couldn't open my eyes but I got ready, with my eyes closed, and then I went outside to find Jakob, with my eyes closed, and then I was about to fall down the stairs but Jakob caught me!" I breathe heavily as i'm out of breath.
"Awww cute," Ethan smiles and winks at Jakob. I roll my eyes and mouth sorry to Jakob but he just smiles. 

We start walking to homeroom and get ready for double maths. Yay.

"Hey guys it's Dani's first soccer training tonight, you should come and watch us," Jakob suggests. It actually reminded me of how anxious I am, I mean I am the only girl.
"Sure, I can go, how about you guys?" Chris says. We hear a chorus of muffled yes' and continue to eat our lunch.


I arrive at the park early so I sit down on the bench closest to where Dani and Jake will be training. I continuously look around to see if anyone's coming and I can see Maya and Chris on the other side of the oval near the toilet block. They obviously haven't seen me as they are holding hands. Maya laughs at something Chris said and kisses him. On. The. Lips. Wait, when did this happen? I run away so they know I didn't see and pretend to just arrive. I don't think I will ever get over what just happened. 

"Hey guys," I wave and we all go and sit on the bench a few moments later Dani and Jake arrive.

"Omg i'm so scared, what if everyone laughs at me?" Dani stresses.
"Don't worry i'm sure they'll love you," Jakob says putting his arm around her. "That's what scares me the most," He mutters but Dani doesn't hear as she's run off somewhere. I knew it, he likes her. 

Dani and Jakob start training and I must say Dani is very good, maybe even better than Jakob and he's basically an all star.

"They're so cute," Maya laughs,
"I thought you hated love," I raise an eyebrow at her, she always complains about how gross love is. She just laughs awkwardly and I turn to Steph but she's away with the fairies and probably didn't hear any of that.

It's getting towards the end of their training and they always end with a match. Jakob and Dani are on different teams. Dani is a defender and Jakob is striker.

"How much longer does this go for there's no action," Chris whines.
"You spoke too soon," Steph smirks, us being the confused people we are look back at the game. Jake is running towards Dani and she is running towards him. Jakob strides towards her and picks her up. They are both laughing their heads off and Dani looks like she's about to stop breathing. Jakob shoots and scores and everybody cheers and Dani is still laughing. Jakob, takes advantage of Dani still being in his arms and spins her around, she giggles and wraps her legs around his waste to prevent her falling. I've never seen Jakob smile so much.

We all sit there in awe. Our mouths wide open. What just happened? Too make this whole dramatic cliche thing even more dramatic, they kiss. About time. I almost forget about Maya and Chris' little thing that went on earlier.
"Aren't you suprised?" I ask Steph,
"Nah, admit it, we all knew this was going to happen."
"Yeah but we didn't think Jakob had the balls to go this far" I laugh.


"I know this is sudden but will you be my girlfriend?" I ask Dani, hoping I didn't take it too far.
"Yes," She giggles and I kiss her one more time. Why didn't this happen earlier. We look over to the others and they are smirking and clapping their hands.

Dani and I walk over to them and stay silent.
"Well, well, well. Care to explain what just happened?" Chris says,
"I don't know ask my girlfriend," I say pointing to Dani. Steph squeals and jumps up and down and hugs us both.
"Jeese, we aren't engaged calm down," Dani laughs.
"Who cares, you basically are. Who wants to get ice-cream?" Maya says.

We slowly walk down to the ice-cream shop with Dani's hand in mine. We walk into the shop and freeze, two words. Brittany and Felix. Seriously if they're so into messing around with people why don't they just go with eachother. It would make everyone's life easier.

Felix walks towards Steph and tries to hug her but Ethan steps in front.
"Dude, can you just leave us alone, we're trying to have a good time and you're ruining it." Ethan say's calmly.
"You can't just kick us out of a public place," Felix laughs.
"We'll just go to another place for ice-cream, come on guys," Maya waves.
"Wait, we just want to get something straight," Felix stops us. I'm sort of freaked out actually. I grab Dani's hand and we nod our heads.
"Steph do you like me?"
"Uh, i'm sorry Felix I didn't mean to mess with your feelings but I don't like you but go find a girl that will respect your coolness," Steph replies being sympathetic. Jeese why is she so kind. That's the only thing that annoys me about Steph, she is never mean. That could be a problem in the future.
"Meh, plenty of other girls want me," He shrugs.

To make matters worse Brittany comes over and see's Dani and I's hands.
"What is going on?" She asks with her eyebrow raised.
"We're holing hands?" Dani says confused.
"I thought you loved me Jakob," Brittany huffs, I just tell her no but she keeps going.
"Oh my gosh, Brittany do us a favour and get over yourself, he doesn't want to be with you could you just drop it, how many times do we have to tell you." Dani Says out of breath.
"Shut up bitch," Brittany spits and her and Felix leave before I can do anything.

This has been a crazy day.


I'm sorry this was probably too short and confusing.
Karzonado xx

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