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I'm so nervous, today we have surfing and knowing that Dani is a good surfer makes me scared because she'll probably judge me. Lol YOLO.

To be honest lately i've been having mixed feelings about Steph but I don't want to tell anyone incase i'm just being a 'hormonal teenage boy' as my Mum says.

"These are so tight," I say trying to get comfortable in my wetsuit,

"I know right, it makes us look like aliens," Jakob and Chris laugh. Just as I was about to accuse them of being mean to aliens the girls come out, in their wetsuits and their long dark hair flying all over the place. To be honest they looked really good in wetsuits unlike us.

"Ew." Steph groans, "I look like a frog" but honestly, she looks stunning.

"Oh shut up, we all know you look the best, no offence everyone," Dani hisses, yes like a snake. She flicks her hair without knowing and walks towards the bus. The rest of us look at eachother confusingly and get on the bus.

Boy does Jakob look pissed, he's so protective of her lol.

"Wait what just happened?" Steph whispers to me,

"Um I don't know, isn't she just being insecure, aren't all girls insecure?" I whisper back,

"Not that insecure, maybe she's just feeling pressure at a new school," Steph says.

The beach looks so nice and Dani's eyes light up, maybe she's over her outburst earlier. Everyone looks pissed and I don't want to be mean but if Dani wasn't here this probably wouldn't have happened.

We step off the bus and listen to the surf instructor, i'm legit pissing myself right now.

I. Can't. Surf. For. Shit.


"Ok go grab a board kids." Mrs Thomas shouts. We all look at eachother and groan, except Dani her eyes are lit up like a child on christmas.

Dani walks over and examines the boards, everyone's watching for some random odd reason. She grabs one and makes her way down the steps and waits on the sand. Maya gulps and grabs a random one and follows Dani's path. Jakob has bags under his eyes for whatever reason. Maybe something happened between them not that they're together, maybe he got rejected. He grabs a bored without looking at it and sulks down to the beach. Steph, Chris and i and the other students grab one and also head down.

"Ok everyone, get into groups of eight," the surf instructor, Jarrod says. He looks about 18 or 19 maybe even younger. I can tell the girls will be flirting the whole time. We are 16 year old teenagers after all. There are also other instructors who look about 40.

Steph, Maya, Dani, Jakob, Chris and I immediately form and group, and of course Brittany and Felix scurry over just to get on our nerves.

"Why hello there friends," Felix smirks.
"We're not friends," Steph says through gritted teeth.
"Oh Steph, wasn't that long ago when you found me irresistible,"
"Back off Felix, news flash, she doesn't like you anymore," I say in disgust.
"Shut up Ethan, she doesn't like you," We all laugh and sit down and wait to get our instructor.

"I hope we get the 40 year old man as our instructor, I don't wanna see the girls flirting with Jarrod," Jakob whispers to Chris and I.
"Oh and you care?" Chris smirks, Jakob just grunts and roles his eyes.


"Jake what's wrong mate," Chris says,

"I don't even know, I think it has something to do with Dani. I feel really bad for her." I say.

"Why? Nothing happened," He says confused

"Chris, she really hates the way she looks." I sigh and look down.

"But she's like one of the hottest in the school," Should he be saying that I don't know. Chris sighs as well and sits down next to me, "Jake it's out of your hands but we should tell Steph and Maya,"

We walk back to the group. Dammit I knew this would happen we have Jarrod as our instructor.

"Ok guys so, does anyone have surfing experiences or surfs?" Jarrod asks,

"I do, I surf a lot," Dani says, her mood changed dramatically then from sad to happy.

"Really? That's so cool!" Jarrod says, Dani blushes and I begin to feel uneasy. I hope that was only embarrassment.

Jarrod explains everything and we wait in the water. He keeps looking at Dani and it's pissing me off. Once Dani has finished her turn she comes and stands next to me.

"I'm sorry," Dani whispers next to me.

"For what?" I ask a little confused, she didn't really do anything to me.

"For my outburst, i'm a little tired from yesterday and Maya and Steph make me self-concious, they're so pretty," She sighs and rocks back and fourth on her feet.

"It's ok and I just wanted to let you know you're beautiful,"

"Thanks but-"

"No, you're beautiful," She laughs and I turn back and give the others a thumbs up, so they don't harass her later.

We paddle on the boards and try to stand up, which is a fail. Dani is miles away and looks like a goddess. I know I just met her a week ago but I feel something in fact I really like her.

"Go Steph!" I hear Ethan shout behind me, I swear he likes her. Steph and Maya are actually pretty good, I couldn't last a few seconds and Chris was shocking couldn't even get up.

We hop back on the bus, I go and sit next to Dani who is already asleep. Her head is on the glass and her long dark hair is covering her face. I laugh quietly and slouch down in the seat.

Ethan sits next to Steph who is in a bad mood and Chris and Maya are seeing who can fit their toe up their nose.

Once we get back we all have showers and get into our pyjamas.

Hey guys,
sorry this is short and we haven't updated for ages we will update again soon.
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Karzonado xxx

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