t w e l v e

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Dani and Jake both looked terrible yesterday, they need all the rest they can get. Lucky it's a long weekend. Maya is out shopping so I decided to catch up with Steph and Ethan at the park. Steph arrived first and was sitting on the swing with her phone in her hand.

"Oh hey Chris" she smiles

"Hey Steph, Pretty freaky what happened yesterday huh?"


"I would have given anything to see Jake fight that loser"

"It was so romantic!" Steph loves by the book, I see Ethan creep up from behind her slowly tiptoeing with his finger over his lips. "What? Does my hair look stupid?" She frowns

"Boo" he jumps scares her making her scream

"Ethan you idiot!" She playfully slaps him and chases him around the swing set, "I hate you"

"You don't hate me" 

"Yes." She frowns and quickly opens her eyes to see his reaction. He frowns and starts walking away obviously trying to contain a laugh.

"I'm jokinggggg," She runs up to him and they hug for aged. I miss Maya right now. We walk towards the shops to go and get some food when Brittany and Felix walk past and nudge us. I feel like they're always following us or something. We look at eachother and exchange glances but we shrug it off.

"Do you guys want to get pizza?" I ask,

"Sure," Ethan smiles and we walk into the pizza place.


We join the long queue, I reach down to hold Stephs hand but she pulls away quickly looking shocked. "I'm gonna save a table" she stutters walking away. I thought she liked me...

"Um- yeah I'm gonna go help find a table" I say awkwardly running after her. "Hey.." I sit across from her, just as I guessed, she was going to ignore me. "Oh come on Steph! We both like each other, you don't need to freak out like that"

"Ethan, we aren't together...." she looks at me with large eyes, "I think we are just both feeling the pressure to like each other because everyone else is dating."

My heart just broke into a million pieces. What happened to not ruining our friendship. I liked Steph before Dani even came into the picture for Jakob. I don't want to break down in public.

"You don't like me?"

"Of course I do Ethan, you know me better than anyone. But I don't think dating would be practical "

"I can't read you Steph, you are a mystery. Hot one minute then cold the next," her eyes well up with tears as I tell her "you can't think for yourself because you're scared of what everyone around you is going to think. I'm an idiot for thinking you actually liked me back."

I walk out of the parlour and start to walk back home.

I was way harsh... I swallow and squint my eyes to try and hold the tears but I can't. I cry, and cry, and cry, and cry. I can't stop.

This is the saddest i've ever been. Yesterday we were best friends, now I don't know how i'm going talk to her.


I open my front door and slump down on the couch. What did I do wrong. Chris is probably comforting Steph right now and Jakob's probably sleeping so I have no one to talk to.

I sulk my way to my bedroom and get into bed. This is where i'm going to be for the next few days I reckon. No school for me tomorrow.

My thoughts get over taken and I fall into a deep slumber.


Hey guys we have a few ideas for future chapters, we sort of just want to see what happens with the book and try new things. 

We thought that a short one would be nice for a change :) 

Karzonado x

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