S e v e n t e e n

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The weekend was much too dramatic for my liking, thank god it was Monday. "Stephy! Ethan's here" mum calls from downstairs, that's odd... I run downstairs and out the door, "bye mum, love you"

"What are you doing here?" I giggle hugging Ethan

"Good morning to you too" he chuckles, "I felt like walking to school today and yeah..."

"Well I'm glad, I could always use some company"

About half an hour later we arrive at school, ready to face the week ahead of us. "Hello my dearest losers" Ethan laughs as we approach Dani, Jakob, Chris and Maya.

"Hello boy and girl" Chris throws his arms around Ethan and I.

"I need to sleep for a few days" Maya slurs barely keeping her eyes open, "I shouldn't have binge watched 2 entire seasons of Fresh prince last night"

"Silly rabbit" Chris teases messing up her hair

"Jerk" she murmurs

"Yeah but you love me anyway" Maya shrugs in agreement and rests her head on Dani's shoulder, who was busy glaring in the opposite direction

"Whatcha staring at babe?" Jakob frowns and follows her line of sight, "who the hell is that?"

"I think he's new here" Chris says

"Guys quit staring, whoever it is most likely doesn't want to be judged by a group of people like us on their first day" everybody turns back to our group

"Actually Steph, he's kind of been staring at you for the past 5 minutes"

"Very funny" I roll my eyes,

"No, really Steph." Ethan whispers, surely Ethan wouldn't lie

"I bet I'm going to turn around and there's nobody there, you guys are terrible at lying-" I say while turning around subtly

They weren't lying. They just seemed to miss an extremely important detail. This guy was extremely good looking. He had longish brown hair that was messily styles and amazing deep green eyes
"Well uh- Maya, class is starting so yeah-" I mumble grabbing her hand and pulling her along with me

"Ohhh Steph, he's really hot" she says nudging me

"True. Very true. But he's probably a jerk"

"Ohh he's in our class Steph!" She almost squeals as he walks through the doors, I nudge her hard in the arm and look down at my notes, doodling in my diary.

"Hey- this seat taken?" I look up and smile, don't blush Steph. Before I could answer Maya butts in

"No, take a seat! My names Maya, and you're new here?" She says enthusiastically before being interrupted by another girl in my class, great... now with Maya engaged in a conversation there was awkward silence.

"I take it that she's your friend?" He smiles

"That's my best friend Maya... loud, eccentric and outgoing" I giggle

"And how about you?" I look at him questionably, "what's your name?" He laughs, gosh I can be so dumb

"I'm Steph"

"I'm Evan"

Danis pov
Lunch time came around surprising fast, Ethan, Chris Jakob and I slump down in our usual spot. "Where's Maya and Stephy?" Ethan questions

Chris points to them, walking towards us. And surprisingly the new dude was with them. Looks like we're in for a hell of a ride.

"Everyone this is Evan, Evan this is everyone" Steph laughs, "Dani, Jakob, Ethan and Chris" she takes a seat next to Ethan on the floor and is followed by Evan who sits on the other side of her.

"Hey guys, Steph told me a lot about you all" he grins at Steph... something smells fishy.

"What school did you come from?" Chris asks

"Actually I came here from Melbourne"

"Dude that's awesome!" Jakob says giving Evan a high five, his immaturity levels are out of this world. We all talk for a while, he seems like a decent dude, everyone in the group seems to like him which is good.

"Evan, come to the milkshake place after school, it's like our hangout" Chris offers

"Sure, if that's alright with everyone" he smiles

"Don't be silly" Steph giggles, "the more the merrier" they exchange looks and Stephs cheeks start to turn pink. Now thinking about it they look really cute together, and it's pretty darn obvious they're both into each other. Maybe I should step back and not interfere like I did with her and Etho.

- after school-

I stand with Jakob as we walk to the milkshake place, behind us was Etho, Chris and Maya and behind them were Steph and Evan. All we could hear was the constant laughter from Stephanie.

We arrive and sit at our regular seats, and Evan next to Steph of course. Ethan flips through the menu trying to decide what he wants, he's trying to complete the entire milkshake menu of about 50 different milkshake flavors, this kid is insane.

"What's everyone getting?" Maya asks

"The usual" Steph smiles

"The usual?" Evan laughs

"Caramels her favorite flavor" Ethan rolls his eyes at Evan

"Make that 2 caramels" Evan smirks. Everyone bombards Maya with their orders and she orders for us.

This could be messy but whatever makes Steph happy I guess.

We grab our milkshakes and head over to the park and sit in the sun.

"So Evan, what do you do?" Maya starts her interrogation.

"I just play footy." He shrugs and Ethan rolls his eyes.

"None of us here play footy." Chris shrugs casually.

"I could teach you all?" He offers

"I think it would be best if I stick to soccer." Jakob states making us all laugh.

"Footy is pretty neat." Steph says, sitting a little closer to him.

"Anyways, I've got to get home before my Mum starts to get worried, thanks guys for helping me out today. See you tomorrow?" He winces the end part obviously scared of rejection.

"Of course!" Steph beams and he smiles gently at her.

"See you tomorrow." I wave and Jakob and Steph join me.

"So Steph, the new kids hot." I say slipping my hand into Jakobs.

"Hey!" Jakob says letting go of my hand.

"Not for me for her." I say giving him a kiss of reassurance.

"He's pretty cute." She smiles.

"See ya guys." Jakob gives me a kiss and walks into his house.

"Steph omg, we have to look really hot tomorrow."

Authors note:
-oohhhh drama ahead....

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