f o u r t e e n

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"Bye honey, I'm going out for lunch with Darcie I'll be home at 5" mum calls from downstairs. Everyone will be here in around forty minutes. I put the tv on while I wait.

A knock comes from the basement door from outside, "hey" why did she have to be early. Steph looks gorgeous in black jeans and a grey sweater with her favorite combat boots. I invite her in, she seemed to be in a good mood today, as if nothing happened. I missed seeing her like this.

"You wanna watch a movie while we wait?" I smile

"Sure" I put on one of her favorites, Edward scissor hands. I sit on the couch, she puts a pillow on my lap and lays down with a fluffy blanket over her. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I ultimately decide on making a move I just hope to God that she doesn't go crazy again. I slowly run my hands through her hair, she looks up and smiles.

I hold her face gently and move my face closer to hers, our eyes shut and our lips meet. I never wanted it to end. It was everything I've dreamed of and so much more. A knock comes from the door and she quickly moves away and runs over to the other couch. I awkwardly cough and Maya, Chris, Jake and Dani invite themselves in. Thank god they weren't suspicious and thought we were still ignoring each other.

"Steph, when did you get here?" Chris asks surprised.

"I don't know like three minutes ago." She shrugs, Dani raises an eyebrow. Dani's literally a love expert so she's probably really suspicious.

"Alright so, Maya's party?" Chris asks, breaking the weird silence that just occurred.

"I can't believe we're all going to be seventeen soon" Dani says laughing,

"Stay on track Dani," Chris pleads and we all laugh. It was nice to here us all laughing together again.

"Well Maya do you have any ideas?" Jakob asks Maya,

"I have no idea what soever," She sighs sitting down next to Steph. We sit there for about five minutes trying to think of ideas.

"I think I have a few but if anyone else has any they can go first." Dani says politely.

"Well if you wanted to have one at home you could have a DJ come or a pool party or both i'm not sure. What do you want?" Dani explains.

"We can invite about fifty people to my house for a DJ and pool party!" Maya squeals excitedly.

"Now that sounds like fun." Jakob says going over to my kitchen.

"And expensive." I add.

"Do you know her parents?" Chris adds, making a money sign with his hands.

"Ok now we have to plan food, people to invite and all that jazz." Chris says with his clipboard in hand. What a loser.

Jakobs POV 

I am actually so bored right now. I know this is for Maya's birthday but seriously I have no idea what i'm doing.

I snap back into reality when Dani kisses me on the forehead.

"You ok?" She whispers and I nod. I'm really tired.

"So should we invite Brittany?" Maya asks.

"NO." I shout. "She's a pain in the ass, she'll just annoy me the whole time," I groan.

"Well that's settled she's coming. Plus an extra present." Chris says smirking.

"Of course," I fake smile glaring at Chris.

They start writing down a list of names of the people they want to invite as I watc Dani as she sits down beside me. She's so majestic. 

"Sup dude." I say intertwining my hand with hers.

"I still don't really know many people." She shrugs

"Awwww it's ok you have me, your favourite person in the whole world," I laugh pinching her cheeks.

"That's what you think." She winks and walks off into an unknown direction.


Short Chapter but don't worry because lots of drama is coming your way!

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