Prologue: Red Like Roses

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Hey guys! This is TyForestGames, and I'm back to write Team SHDW Volume 2! Man, I have been waiting for this for a long, long time. And since I've cancelled my stuff with Bill Cipher, I feel free!! This is gonna be fun!

After a reread of the first volume of Team SHDW, I realized that not a whole lot stood out with it. Possibly the only thing that made it more interesting was the introduction of H20FLAME's characters, who have a much more interesting and original concept, if I say so myself. However, with his addition of more teams for his story, I made more teams myself, who you can find on my Team SHDW Information book, and with that, I actually started getting somewhere with an actual interesting plot.

I have made some additions to SHDW that I hope you will find very interesting. And things will certainly go down more heavily than they did for the first volume. But anyways, hope you enjoy reading Team SHDW Volume 2!
While he wouldn't call the situation fun, Skyler Yin was having a blast! It felt good slaughtering all these Grimm in this burning town. But, like all the fun he thought he could have, it ended pretty quickly. After the five to six months since the Fall of Beacon, he tried to have fun. It was the only thing he could do to get his mind off of what happened before this huge journey. Killing Grimm was fun and good for the environment! A win-win!

But it didn't take long for him to realize that if he didn't start taking the fights seriously, he would die. Grimm weren't just getting stronger, they were getting smarter. They may be soulless monsters, but they still had a brain. And while they weren't nearly as smart as humans, they were learning different ways of attacking.

Not to mention that there was something going on with his head...

But he didn't have time to ponder that, as Skyler slammed against a brick wall, beginning to tire out from the fight. He had his sword out, flames on and everything. But there were still too much for him to handle alone. Plus, he may or may not have accidentally started a few more fires...

Nevertheless, he grinned at the Grimm, readjusting his new, brown leather duster, "C'mon, is that all you've got?"

If he was going out like this, he wanted to go out laughing in the face of death. He's done that plenty of times. Suddenly, the statue next to him was demolished as a red-cloaked figure landed on it. It didn't take a genius for Skyler to figure out who it was.

"About time, Rubes," he said to his childhood friend, "Began to think you never got my message."

Ruby Rose took a glance at him, smirked, turned back to the Grimm, and attacked. Skyler couldn't help but grin at the sight. She had grown up so much, even if it had only been a few months. Then again, they had witnessed a lot that kinda forced them to mature. Seems their training was paying off too. Skyler had worked on training with her using his newly discovered Semblance. By training with their Semblances, they improved them. Skyler learned that, depending on his level of concentration, he could slow down the rate of time anywhere between regular speed and just plain stopping it.

With Ruby, Skyler helped her with her Semblance by using his. He would tell her to try to land a hit on him using her speed. When she tried, he would slow down time to easily evade. He never completely stopped time, however, and Ruby trained to become faster. Over time, she became fast enough to where him slowing down time was barely effective. Using her speed, his slowing of time made it look like she was traveling at regular running speed. After becoming faster, they trained enough so that Ruby could gain more control over her movement, and even borderline fly. The training was quite effective.

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