Chapter 4: Family

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Yang woke up with a gasp. She was in her room, lying on top of her bed, the robotic arm given to her by General Ironwood resting on her bedside table, out of the box. Yang looked at it for a moment before turning her face away and realizing she wasn't alone. Diana had snuck into her room,climbed into her bed, and was currently fast asleep, curled up next to Yang. Though just waking up from a recurring nightmare, she couldn't help but let out a sad smile as she lightly petted the young girl, preferring to let her sleep.

But then she heard laughter coming from downstairs. So, after carefully making sure not to wake up Diana, she threw on some clothes and began to head downstairs. And to her great surprise, she discovered Professors Bartholomew Oobleck and Peter Port sitting at her kitchen table and laughing with her father, as well as Dante, Port telling a story.

"And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt!" the mustached man laughed, "I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just... I just left the room to laugh!!"

Yang walked over to the kitchen door while the four laughed, Taiyang saying, "We told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!"

"That is hilarious!" Dante stated the obvious.

"That is terrible!" Oobleck said, "What is wrong with you?!"

"Hey!" Tai defended, "The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we-"

He was cut off by Port slamming his right leg on the tabletop, "'Like what you see??'"

They all laughed, but Port lost his balance and ended up on the floor, only resulting in more laughter. Taiyang clapped from mirth and Port joined in the hilarity from the floor. Yang then giggled too, covering her mouth, alerting the men to her presence, Oobleck standing up while Port got up off the floor.

"Oh, uh, Miss Xiao Long!" Port said, "Uh, please, join us."

Yang entered while Oobleck laughs, a little bit embarrassed, "Oh, yes, yes, pull up a chair. Please, pull up a chair."

"I'm good," Yang pardoned, hoisting herself backward up onto the kitchen counter, between her father and Dante, Port and Oobleck sitting back down, "So, what are you doing here?"

"Despite popular belief, teachers do have a life outside the classroom," Oobleck answered.

"Professor Goodwitch is working 'round the clock to restore Beacon to its former glory!" Port added, "But, Mistral wasn't built in a day. And we all need rest from time to time."

"I just kinda woke up to the sounds of mockery," Dante replied with a grin, "So I just walked in and said 'Show me the object of ridicule'."

"Now look, let's not worry about that right now," Taiyang cut in, "So, there we were, standing in the auditorium, looking at Qrow, wearing a skirt. Then Oz tells everyone, 'It's time to work on our landing strategy!'"

There was more chuckling before Oobleck stated, "The Branwen twins have always been... interesting, to say the least."

"That sure didn't seem to stop young Tai," Port smirked.

Taiyang blinked, "Hey, come on, man, she's right here."

"Oh, please!" Port waved off, "She's a mature young woman! If she can handle combat, she can handle a few jabs at her old man!"

"Entire team, Mr. Xiao Long," Dante looked at the man.

"Dante..." Taiyang warned.

"Entire," Dante persisted, "Team."

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