Chapter 21: Downfall

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PHTM learned what was going on even before Sapphire had called them to tell them of the situation. Because they were already fighting.

The squads of soldiers Adam had taken with him apparently weren't enough. Judging by how things looked to them, the entirety of the White Fang that followed Adam had gone to Mistral to demolish it. While some citizens fought, they didn't really last long and decided that living was better than dying, and thus either ran away or locked themselves in their own houses. PHTM, however, had no such intentions of backing down.

Hannibal in particular was doing more than fine. Due to his Semblance, every bit of vibration that was made due to the destruction and fighting strengthened him more and more, swiping away White Fang grunts effortlessly with his sword, Shindō. Any time anyone got close to Tara, she would glare at them, her Semblance scaring most into a retreat without a fight, and those who did fight didn't stick around for long, being pushed back by both her Semblance and daggers.

Pamela clawed down a few more grunts before taking a few breaths to rest up for a bit, since the wave was dying down. Michelle was doing just fine from her perch on a nearby building's wall, taking potshots at random enemies while using her Semblance to appear invisible. Once all of their opponents were knocked out (or maybe dead, who knows?), the Spider Faunus hopped down from her perch and the team regrouped.

"Okay," Tara said, noticing the whole team was a bit out of breath, "If this is how we're faring, I'd hate to see how SHDW is doing, seeing how they're at the school, aka the main target."

"All the more reason to get moving," Pamela replied, "Let's get-"

But before she could continue, she was interrupted by the thundering sound of a charge. They all turned to see a second wave a soldiers approaching them-Wait, were those humans among them? Yeah, apparently bandits had joined in the battle. Pamela scowled and the fighting restarted.
Rin knew this was a bad idea, but hey, bad ideas were what started this whole mess, so why stop now? To be fair though, the bandits started it. One guy, who just apparently wasn't having the best week, had broken down their door. It hadn't taken long for them to get rid of him.

But that had been the straw that broke the camel's back. Taven and Axel had already been tempted to go and join up with SHDW, Rose, and PHTM, Sapphire right behind them, but this strange coalition of the White Fang and bandits that were currently raiding Mistral had finally convinced Rin that the kingdom needed them right now.

They had managed to wipe out the enemies in the lower levels and were now making their way up. Their opponents were jokes. A lot of them probably hadn't even unlocked their Aura. It was a wonder why citizens were giving up and running.

Except for one, which caught their attention, especially Rin's. It was a woman, older than them, pretty much manhandling two soldiers at a time. Rin found that impressive, even more so by the martial arts the woman was implementing. But why did something about her seem familiar? Axel caught her eying the adult and walked up to her.

"What is it?" he asked.

Rin shook her head, "Nothing. Let's go, we have a job to do."

But the universe apparently had other plans. They kept fighting, but it only drew them closer to the woman, keeping Rin's mind in the gutter while they fought. Her teammates had to cover for her a quarter of the time, a number of bad guys trying to catch her off guard. But nevertheless, the job got done, STAR regrouping near the panting woman.

"Okay, guys," Sapphire said, "I know we're having an easy time, but our allies up ahead might not be having it so easy the further we get to the school. Especially Team SHDW, who are already-"

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