Chapter 12: Welcome to Haven

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Before you read this, make sure to read "Help from an Unlikely Source" in my Team SHDW Information book. You're gonna have to read it in order to fully comprehend me and H20FLAME's version of Volume 5.
"The City of Mistral..."

"Ugh! It's about time!"

Qrow Branwen, Rose "Bloodmane" Greymalk, and Team RNJRS were walking through a stone brick tunnel illuminated by translucent lanterns.

"Whose idea was it to walk again?" Nora Valkyrie asked, groaning.

"Well, we did face many obstacles," Lie Ren pointed out, "Broken airships, destroyed settlements..."

"Oh, and, you know," Skyler Yin said, glancing over to Rose, "All of the people and monsters that tried to murder us."

Bloodmane scoffed, "That was only that one time."

"Pfft, we were fine," Ruby Rose said, looking at her uncle with a smile, "Only one of us almost died."

Qrow looked at Ruby, smiling back, "Hey!"

Nora put her hands on her hips and looked at Ren, who similarly said, "Hey!"

Nora just giggled in response.

"So, how much farther to Haven Academy?" Jaune Arc asked.

"Almost there," Qrow answered, "But I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route."

The group approached a pair of large, wooden double doors, which Qrow opened, flooding the tunnel with sunlight. Ruby ran out onto a massive platform that doubled as an elevator, stopping at the railing to gaze out over the city in wide-eyed awe.

"Wow!" Ruby marveled as the others joined her to take in the view of buildings and stone stairways perched on mountains, "This... is... awesome!"

Below them, large crowds of people were going about their day, walking around, talking and buying merchandise.

"It's certainly something," Qrow responded.

Ruby noticed a kiosk selling weapons and, to no one's surprise, started fangirling, "Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!"

"Vendors here'll sell you just about anything," Rose said with a weirdly proud grin, "Whether they should or not."

"They really made the most out of these mountains," Jaune observed.

"Every inch," Qrow explained, "Stay away from the lower levels. The higher up you go, the nicer it gets."

"And we are going up!" Nora exclaimed, pointing upward.
"So, how much farther?

"We're in the home stretch now."

In the pilot's box of the cargo ship, Weiss Schnee stood in the back, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed.

"No more stops from here to Mistral," Walker Elliot continued, "Sorry for the long trip. Keeping us off the radar's been harder than I thought. Lots of air traffic around northern Anima."

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