Chapter 15: Lighting the Fire

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And now, for the moment we've all been waiting for, the introduction to my other teams!!

Yang and Dante were riding Bumblebee with the bandit, named Shay D. Mann (yes, seriously), through a forest in Anima. It was a very... awkward ride, especially for the bandit, as he got the back of the bike, having to lean back and try desperately not to fall off.

"How much further, pal?" Dante asked/yelled.

"This should just about do it," Shay replied.

Yang stopped her bike in a clearing and the bandit jumped off, "You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear."

Shay then ran into the bushes. Yang shook her head in annoyance and discarded her sunglasses, sleeve, and coat tails before stretching a little. Dante dismounted and begun whistling.

"So, we know this is an obvious trap, right?" Dante asked.

"Oh yeah."

Suddenly, someone pulled the trigger of a gun and Yang blocked the shot with her arm. Shay reappeared with several bandits in tow, all holding various weapons.

"I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here," he grinned.

Yang looked around, "Is this everyone?"

Shay chuckled, "Yes, little lady. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way."

He gestured behind him with his thumb, Dante then pointing a finger in the same direction, "That way?"

Shay grunted in confusion and looked at his tribe mates first, "Yes. That way."

"Good to know," Yang replied, "Thanks."

"Now to pay me back for this tooth," Shay punched his fists, "We're going to take your bike. And you're going to take your lumps."

"Lumps?" Dante muttered quietly, confused, before turning to his friend, "You got this? Or do you want me to help?"

Yang engaged Ember Celica on her left arm, causing the bandits to get cautious and keep their weapons trained on her. She looked back at Dante and gave a quick grin.

"I think I'm fine."

Shay aimed his gun, "You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart. But you really ought to think twice about fighting all-"

He was cut off when Yang engaged the gun on her robotic arm, resulting in the rest of the bandits gasping and Shay commanding, "Alright... Get her!!"

The bandits attacked, and this is where Dante just kinda stopped paying attention. He simply just began whistling again, pulling out his Scroll and starting to play Bejeweled. All he really heard of the fight was a few gunshots and cries of pain coming from everybody but Yang. When he looked up, he saw that Yang had defeated them, and so he put away his Scroll. Her left hand was shaking once again, but she was able to calm herself down before walking back to her motocycle.

Shay coughed and struggled to get up, "Who are you? It doesn't even matter. When Raven finds out what you did, you're dead!"

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