Chapter 17: Rest and Resolutions

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And now that we've gotten that reunion out of the way, prepare for three chapters of absolutely nothing!! Urgh... probably the most boring chapters in this book to work on... Thanks, RWBY Volume 5, for so much content to work with! That was HEAVY sarcasm, by the way.
That night, the dinner table was abuzz as the currently present members of Team RWBY, the remaining members of Team JNPR, and all of Team SHDW were all talking over each other indistinctly. The mood was quite cheery, with the children all smiling and laughing.

Everyone was currently laughing at Jaune, Yang saying, "So Skyler actually pranked you by taking the map right from under your nose?! I feel so proud."

Skyler smirked, "Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah," Jaune retorted, "We're all impressed.

Everyone laughed while Jaune smiled and chuckled sheepishly, Nora then speaking up, "Hey, but you made up for it, Mister Muscles! You shoulda seen this guy take a giant Grimm head on!"

"I couldn't have done it without Ruby, Skyler, and Rose wearing it down."

"Uh, us?" Ruby exclaimed, "Did you see Ren during that fight? He was out of control!"

"I'm sorry," the quiet man apologized, "I may have lost my temper momentarily."

"No, no!" Ruby corrected, "'Out of control' as in 'awesome'!"

"Oooohhh," Ren smiled, "Thank you."

Everyone at the table burst into laughter. As dinner continued, Weiss then finished telling her story about how she accidentally summoned a Boarbatusk during the Schnee charity ball.

Hazel gasped, "You did not!"

Weiss put her head in her hands, "Yeah, right in the middle of the party."

Hazel grinned and patted her on the shoulder, "I'm starting to like you now."

"Please tell me you let that lady have it," Yang said.

"Of course not!" Weiss responded, "Even if I did really want to..."

Walker smiled proudly and put a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, no shame in that. I'm pretty sure we would have all done the same thing."

Weiss smiled gratefully at the remark, a little red in the face. The others caught that look and all raised an eyebrow at it.

But before anyone could speak up on the matter, Nora crossed her arms, skeptical, "No way, I don't believe it."

Suddenly, Weiss' summoned Boarbatusk appeared right next to Nora. The Grimm summon growled, causing Nora to yelp and fall on her side. Weiss, Yang, Jaune and Ren all laugh. As dinner came near to its end, Yang showed off her robotic prosthetic arm to the rest of the group, all of them reacting in awe.

"It's not a replacement for the real thing," Yang said, "But I'll make sure to make good use of it."

"That's amazing..." Skyler murmured.

"Incredible," Ren complimented.

Ruby, ever the fanatic, got all starry-eyed and quickly zoomed over to her sister's side to admire her arm, holding it up, "And it's just as strong?"

Yang smiled proudly and nodded, "Sure is."

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the table. Everyone turned to see that Nora had her arm out on the table, ready to arm wrestle.

"Wanna bet?" Nora grinned maniacally.

"Nora, please," Weiss protested, "Now's not the time-"

But despite her words, Yang had already sat down and begun to arm wrestle Nora. Jaune and Ren cheered on their teammate while Ruby, Skyler, and Dante cheered on for Yang. Weiss and Walker looked, the former looking disdainful while the latter looked amused by all this tomfoolery.

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