Chapter 13: Dread in the Air

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If you're wondering why the video above is even there is because I feel like this is what Skyler being in Mistral has been like so far.
Skyler trudged down the street, feeling particularly angsty. His talk with Nathan did nothing to help his spirits, and only made it worse. He admitted that he was actually pretty happy when he saw Nathan. With him and his team, they would make a huge difference in whatever would happen next. Heck, add in Rose, and their group would be practically unstoppable.

But no. Team EBNE was the enemy now. They sided with Adam for reasons unknown to Skyler. Team SHDW's leader shook his head, trying to free himself from his thoughts. But that was really hard to do. Team EBNE being the enemy was a very scary fact. He needed to inform the others.

And it didn't help that Ruby had called him earlier to inform him that Rose was not at the house...

All of a sudden, without meaning to, he accidentally bumped into someone. Despite it being pretty late into the night, it was still the Capitol of Mistral. There were still people walking down the sidewalk, so bumping into someone was probably inevitable. But Skyler apologized anyway.

"Sorry," he muttered, continuing to walk.

But then that person tapped him on the shoulder. That's when Skyler got a bit nervous. If there's anything he learned from Hazel and Rose, it's that Mistral's Capitol was crime ridden. Who knows what kind of people would be wandering the streets at night. But when he turned, he didn't expect what he saw.

The person was a female and dressed like she was from Atlas. She wore a white dress with silver plating, and appeared to be about Rose's age, and almost as short. She had blonde hair and green eyes, and was admittedly quite pretty. On her side hung a sheathed broadsword. She had a questioning look on her face, like she expected him to say something.

"Um, yes?" Skyler asked, "Can I help you?"

"You can actually," she said, her voice sounding very noble and straightforward, a voice reminiscent of Winter Schnee, pretty much confirming the suspicion that she was from Atlas, "I'm looking for a male about your age with white hair and yellow eyes. Have you happened to see someone who fits that description?"

Skyler immediately knew she was talking about Nathan. Not wanting to look suspicious, he acted as though he were thinking if he's seen someone like that. While doing this, he thought of how to answer. She was Atlas, no doubt about it, but why was she looking for Nathan? She was either on his side and wanted to rendezvous with him, or was trying to find and arrest him.

Figuring this woman didn't know what she as getting into and it made no difference, Skyler decided to play dumb, and shrugged, "Nope. I'm pretty sure I would remember someone like that."

"There's a reason I asked you. Looks like things are going to have to be difficult..."

Skyler flinched and he barely heard a gush of wind behind him, as if someone were rushing him. Quickly activating his Semblance, Skyler jumped out of the way and ran behind the woman. Skyler saw that the figure who tried to jump him was a taller male with black hair and dark blue eyes. There was a shield on his back and a sword sheathed on his hip. At least the man wasn't aiming to kill Skyler. But nonetheless, Skyler got out his own sword, now on the defensive, and restarted time.

The man stumbled, quite amusingly I might add, and the woman looked around in confusion, "What?! Where-?!"

She turned and saw Skyler there with his sword out, and immediately gripped the handle of her sword, preparing to unsheathe it, but the man stopped her. She gave him an arguing look, but dropped it and let go of her sword.

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