Chapter 14: Unforeseen Complications

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Skyler blinked multiple times before rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. But there she was, in her slightly more mature looking glory, hands on her hips and a smirk on her face.

"That's my name," she replied, "Don't overuse it."

Not really knowing what else to do after this sudden reveal, Skyler practically leaped forward and hugged her. Hazel felt a bit of heat rush to her face, but it quickly faded as she smiled and returned the hug.

"You have no idea how badly I've needed to see a friendly face today..." Skyler muttered, clutching her tighter.

"I probably don't," she replied jokingly as the two separated, and she looked him up and down, "Nice jacket."

"Nice... uh, bracelets?" Skyler tried, but failed, "I don't know, you've got me. You've hardly changed since I last saw you."

Hazel rolled her eyes, but still smiled, "Wow, Skyler. You really know how to make a girl feel special."

"Eh, I'll save the wooing you for Dante whenever we see him again."

Hazel frowned at him, a blush already spreading across her face, "Not five minutes after reuniting after almost a year and you're already accusing me of crushing on Dante."

"Old habits die hard."

Before anymore teasing could commence, they turned to the sound of Rose clearing her throat, "Yeah, sorry to break up this touching reunion, but are there gonna be introductions, or...?"

"Oh, right," Skyler then gestured to Bloodmane, "Hazel, meet Rose Greymalk. Rose, Hazel Tikal."

Hazel stuck out her hand and offered a smile, "Nice to meet you."

"Ditto," Rose replied, shaking the younger girl's hand before addressing Skyler again, "So is this one of the teammates you've mentioned before?"

"That would be a correct assumption, yes," he answered, "Hazel here is my partner. Or was? Or... well, I guess it'll all depend on whether we can get Team SHDW back together."

"I'll see if we can catch Walker at one of the airship docking bays," Hazel said casually, catching Skyler off guard.

"Wait, what?"

"Oh yeah, apparently Walker got a job as a cargo pilot. I haven't actually talked to him, but I saw him unloading an airship but couldn't get to him. Any word on Dante?"

After recovering from the small surprise, Skyler shook his head, "No. As far as I know, he's either still in Patch or on his way here. Hoping for the latter, but assuming the former. I mean, I left him a note telling him that I was heading here, but I'm not sure if he'd follow."

Hazel gave a sigh of disappointment, "Well, at least we can get three out of four of us at the worst. So that's not too bad. But in other words, what have you been up to, and what's the plan now?"

Skyler laughed nervously, "That's... a long story. I'll explain as we head back to where the rest of my current team is."

"Wait, 'current team'?"
After a story and explanation on what's been happening with him, Skyler, Hazel, and Rose blinked a few times at the scene before them when they had opened the door to the house. Skyler took a few looks around to see what was new: An unknown boy was holding a familiar looking cane, RNJR's faces were in absolute confusion towards the boy, as well as surprise at the three's abrupt entry, and Qrow was passed out drunk on the floor (okay, that last one wasn't exactly new, but still).

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