Required Information

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By God's will, if there is any kind of Author's Note you readers need to read, this is it. PLEASE READ THIS.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, hey guys, this is TyForestWrites, and I'm back to give you guys an update, giving you required information that you all have no doubt missed. I'm well aware that next to none of you read the author's notes that I have at the beginning and end of most of my chapters, so I figured that I better make this and hope to God above that you all read this. So now, on with what's next!

If you've truly kept up with me, you'll know that me and H20FLAME are collaborating to make this series. He has his own teams, such as EBNE, ABIS, BNSH, and others, as well as their own stories. While the stories are not structured the same mine are, they are great all the same. It is REQUIRED that you at least check out his book "A Tale of Remnant", which is a collection of short stories that take place in our combined story. Particularly read the chapter "EBNE: Caged and Withered", which details what happened after EBNE was captured by ABIS.

As for my side of things, I recently made another short story in my Team SHDW Information book, called "Picking Up What Remains", which details what happened after the aforementioned "Caged and Withered" story. It is, again, REQUIRED reading. Even still, there's more than enough bios and incorrect quotes to entertain you. I'm about to come out with a part 5 for the Incorrect Quotes, so look out for that!

Now as for what I'm doing next. After I'm done with the next part of Incorrect Quotes, I'll then work on two more bios, and two more short stories. Then I'll take a break from SHDW altogether to make another book that I've been dying to make. And then after that... here's the big news.

I'm rewriting Team SHDW Volume 1.

Yeah, that's something that's been long overdue. It's just a "if I knew then what I know now" kind of deal. There's gonna be more development, more buildup, more characters, and just overall a better story. And after I'm done, I'll just go back and try to work on my other stories until I'm sure what the future will bring for the RWBY franchise.

Now for those of you wondering about when Team SHDW Volume 3 will be coming out... well, I can't give a good estimate of when it will. Just know that it'll probably start being released sometime after RWBY Volume 6 ends. I want to play my cards right and not write ahead like I did for this volume.

And there you go, all the stuff you needed to know in one 500 word update. Like I said, read what is required, and you shall be fine. Don't forget to go to H20FLAME's account and read his RWBY related stuff, and even check out a few other stuff he's written. It's great stuff. Till next time guys!

Team SHDW Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now