Chapter 22: SHDW vs. EBNE

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And here we go... once the past few episodes had been released, I had begun to struggle, thinking I wouldn't have to worry about the beginning of the supposed Battle of Haven until Volume 6, but boy, was I wrong.

But nonetheless, every word in this chapter is original. Not a single scene from RWBY Volume 5 is in this. But without further adieu, a chapter of nearly a year in the making, the finale of Team SHDW Volume 2.
Rose wished she could've helped out her friends, but as soon as SHDW was knocked away, she was immediately distracted by a larger member of the White Fang. The guy wore a mask that covered his entire face, but had his arms exposed and wielded a chainsaw.

She smirked at him, "You know, chainsaws aren't quite as effective as weapons like the movies would have you bel-"

The White Fang Lieutenant swung his weapon, and Bloodmane's instincts almost literally saved her neck. She leaned back, and the chainsaw cut off a small lock of hair in the process of trying to decapitate her. Rose managed to flip back and stand at the ready with Persuasion & Reason.

"Of course, on the other hand..." she muttered.

But as the lieutenant was about to swing for a second time, the big man from earlier who was leading part of the Menagerie force leaped in and decked the White Fang soldier in the face, sending him flying back. The man then leaped back and landed on his feet, next to Bloodmane.

"I could've taken him," Rose said, a bit annoyed.

"You're welcome, Bloodmane," the man replied, giving her a stern look, "I didn't expect to see you here of all places."

Rose blinked at him before recognizing him, "Oh! Ghira Belladonna, former White Fang High Leader, what do you know? It really is a small world."

Ghira's look hardened, "That doesn't answer my question: why are you here?"

"Well, it's a long story involving a huge Grimm, saving a team of Hunters, joining a guy named Skyler Yin, and blah blah blah. Too long and too complicated to explain to you now."

"Wait, Yin?" the former High Leader repeated, the name sounding familiar on his lips, "Who-"

His train of thought was interrupted by the revving up of the chainsaw. The White Fang Lieutenant was back on his feet, now more ready for a fight, a few more underlings joining the fray while the rest were busy with the Menagerie forces. Ghira grabbed his coat and threw it off, his claws extending.

"We're not done talking," he told Rose, "When this is all over, I expect some answers. Got it?"

Bloodmane rolled her eyes and stood at the ready with her daggers, "Whatever you say, old man."

And the fight resumed.
Skyler knew that this moment was an eventuality. As soon as Nathan walked back into his life and announced which side he was on, this situation had crossed his mind dozens of times. But until this moment did he realize how unprepared he was for it. He had barely had any idea what Team EBNE was capable of. He fought two of them briefly in a nonlethal environment, and fought alongside all of them even more briefly not too much later.

He then considered his own team: powerful, but exhausted. They just got through with dealing with massive amounts of White Fang soldiers. He wasn't feeling too bad himself, but he didn't know about his teammates. SHDW's leader took a deep, nervous breath.

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