Chapter 3: Of Runaways and Stowaways

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Yang Xiao Long sat on the couch in her home in Patch. She briefly looked at the stack of three books on her right and almost immediately picked up the remote control to her left. With a click, projected scenes came on, revealing a news segment from the VBC channel. Glynda Goodwitch was shown unsuccessfully piecing together a building. Across the bottom of the screen, it read 'BEACON INACCESSIBLE'.

-...with no end in sight,- the reporter was saying, -Try as they might, the local Huntsmen and Huntresses can't seem to get a hold of the situation at Beacon Academy.-

Yang clicked the remote, changing the channel. As the next reporter spoke, the large lettering across the screen was slowly revealed backward, reading 'CCT Repairs Underway'. The subheading read 'Atlas officials working on solution, but not optimistic'.

The reporter was saying -...though the fail safes have supported wireless communication within the kingdom, the loss of the CCT Tower continues to prevent contact with the outside world. Talks with Atlas officials regarding repairs have so far-–

Yang clicked the remote again, cutting off the reporter and bringing up yet another news segment. A horned anchorman spoke above the caption that read 'Sending Citizens Home'. The corner caption has the logo for VOX News.

The anchorman said, -...Vale council voted this week to continue to ban any air traffic that does not have a direct correlation with evacuation. The council has made it clear that they feel-–

Yang clicked again, now bored. Things just weren't the same. Back before Beacon, she and Skyler, sometimes joined by Ruby and Dante, would always scour through the news stations, making fun of random things shown. But with him gone off with Ruby, while Dante was good company, it just wasn't the same. But then she saw the current channel, Lisa Lavender's, and her eyes widened and she sat up. The screen showed the anchorwoman and the VNN logo. The caption below her read 'WHITE FANG MEMBER, ADAM TAURUS, PRESENT DURING BEACON GRIMM ATTACK'.

-Multiple rumors continue to circulate as to who was behind the attacks at the Vytal Festival Tournament.- Lisa stated, -While no one knows for sure, officials have confirmed that high-ranking White Fang member Adam Taurus was present for the attack. Any and all attempts to bring him into custody have been met with brutal force-–

Yang turned the news off, her mood now switched from bored to depressed and a bit shaken, the stump that was once her right arm starting to hurt. And the pain had only increased when she remembered when she had learned who Adam was responsible for killing. She sat there holding the remote when the front door clicked open, revealing her father, Taiyang Xiao Long, walking in while carrying/balancing three boxes and two bags hanging from his forearms.

Yang set the remote down and leaned her head backward on the couch, looking up at him, "Hey, Dad."

Before Taiyang could answer, a familiar white-haired male head poked through the doorway, revealing the smiling face of Dante Williams, "Hi, Yang!"

The blonde couldn't help but smile, especially when a much younger female voice cried out, "Big sis!!"

And in charged a small figure, who pounced on the couch on all fours, now clutching Yang's side in a sort-of-hug, since the small now six year old Diana Williams, Dante's little sister, barely didn't have long enough arms for a full one.

"Hey, you little squirt," Yang replied, ruffling Diana's white hair, "What brings you guys here?"

"Well..." Dante scratched the back of his head with an awkward smile as he entered the house, "So you know how Diana turned six just yesterday?"

"Yeah...?" Yang raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we asked her what she wanted for her birthday," Dante explained, "But she only wanted one thing..."

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