Chapter 9: Bloodmane

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Instead of Kuroyuri, I decided to make this to replace it, considering that the original episode was Ren and Nora's backstory. Plus, this was an excuse to finally put my friend viperBreak's character in here. If you want to know more about Rose "Bloodmane" Greymalk, check out my Team SHDW Information book.
Skyler walked down the third path, wondering if he should've split up with the others. It was a stupid plan, yes, but if this was the shortest way to get help, he would gladly take getting attacked by a few bandits over whatever Ren was so adamant about avoiding.

He arrived in a clearing and heard the slight rustling of leaves. He could've just chalked it up to just the wind, but after what has happened and what he has learned, he readied himself for a fight, getting his gun out.

"If you're out there, whoever you are," Skyler called out, "Show yourself! It'll make things easier on the both of us!"

Skyler wasn't sure if he was relieved or not when someone, a female voice, actually replied, "Oh, trust me. It'll only make things a tiny bit easier for you."

Skyler readied himself for a fight, switching his gun into a sword. His eyes quickly glanced around the area, looking for movement. Then, out of the shadows, a figure lunged at him, the glint of daggers catching Skyler's eye. He raised his sword and blocked the downwards strike his opponent used. Skyler pushed her back and finally got a good look at her.

She was a female with red eyes and medium-length white hair that was undercut in the back, very scruffy up front, and it reddened out at the ends, kinda like how Ruby's did. Skyler wondered what the white hair was about, but then he saw the also white-haired extra set of ears. This girl was a Faunus. Like, maybe a cat Faunus or something similar. She wore a red sleeveless undershirt, a gray vest, black pants, and black boots.

But probably the most noticeable thing was her height. She was short. As in, maybe a foot shorter than Skyler. The height difference was almost laughable. But the look she had about her screamed that she was older and more matured. It was intense enough to take her seriously.

"Who are you?" Skyler demanded.

"I've got a lot of names," the woman answered, "But you can call me Bloodmane."

"What do you want from me?" Skyler asked.

"What is this, twenty questions?" Bloodmane retorted, "And besides, didn't you see the sign back there?"

Skyler blinked a few times, "Oh... right... I almost forgot about that..."

Bloodmane's mouth twisted into a smirk, "Just my luck. I get the stupid one."

SHDW's leader blinked, realizing he was being taunted. But he then grinned. Two could play at that game.

"That's a lot of talk coming from a girl whose height gives my girlfriend's Corgi a run for his money," Skyler retorted, still grinning.

The girl's eyes widened, as if she wasn't used to being back-sassed. Her teeth gritted, her obviously getting angry.

"You know, I was considering leaving you alive," Bloodmane growled, "But thanks to that comment, you won't get that mercy."

"What, you can dish it out, but you can't take it?" Skyler kept taunting, "All that big talk must be compensating for something then."

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