Epilogue: On the Lam

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When the going gets tough, the tough gets going, as the saying goes. Taven, carrying Sapphire over his shoulder, and Axel ran all the way back to where they had left Rin, to discover that her and Kendra were still outside and talking, but also about to walk into a house. Rin took one look at Sapphire and turned to look at her two other teammates.

"What on Remnant happened?!" she exclaimed.

"We're still trying to figure that out!" Axel retorted before turning to Kendra, "Hope we aren't imposing on you, but can we come in?"

"Of course," Kendra replied, a bit taken aback, but smiling nonetheless.
After setting down Sapphire on the sofa, Taven and Axel explained to Kendra and Rin what had happened to their leader, as well as their current legal position. Kendra frowned at the thought of her daughter being associated with criminals, but understood what exactly was going on. Rin herself glanced at Sapphire before looking back to her teammates.

"So... we're criminals now?" she said, "And we have no idea as to why Sapphire set off like she did?"

"That's about it," Taven responded before turning to Kendra, "Again, I'm sorry about this, ma'am. You're probably going to get questioned pretty heavily if they discover we stayed here."

"It's alright," Kendra told him, "I survived Ebonvale, I'm sure I'll survive a simple interrogation."

"I KNEW IT!!!" Axel suddenly shouted, making everyone flinch as he pointed at Rin, "You're from Ebonvale!! I totally called it!!"

Rin blinked a few times before letting out a rare smile, "Yes. I'm from Ebonvale."

"Yes!!" Axel threw his fists in the air before bringing them back down to point at Taven, "You owe me 100 lien!!"

"What?" Taven blinked before stomping his foot, "Oh gods, dang it!!"

"What?!" Rin looked at the two incredulously, "You guys had a bet going?!"

"Hey, Sapphire's the one that started it!" Axel retorted.

"WHAT?!?!" Rin looked at Sapphire's unconscious body with distaste, "You are so lucky you're unconscious, or else I would deck you."

"I can't believe you didn't tell them about our origins," Kendra scolded her daughter, "There was no real reason to hide it! I expected more Ebonvale pride out of you!"

"Alright, alright," Taven commanded, "Look, as long as nobody else visits us, nobody else has to be associated with fugitives. So for now, we just make sure to lay low and make our way to Vacuo-"

"Mom! I'm home!"

Everyone flinched as the door to the house swung open, and Hazel's voice echoed throughout the home, saying, "I brought some friends, so... hope we have enough-"

Hazel walked into the living room and went bug-eyed at the sight of Team STAR and her mother in the same space. And then the rest of Team SHDW and then Team PHTM walked in behind her.

"...room..." Hazel finished.

There was a long moment of awkward silence.

"Well," Skyler stated, "This isn't foreboding at all..."

And with that, Team SHDW Volume 2 has concluded. But I am far from done with SHDW. There will be new chapters released for my Team SHDW Information book, including contingency plans, another short story, another chapter of Incorrect Quotes, a new bio for a new character, as well as a story to go with that character, a short story on the origins of Black Claw, and updated bios for every original character that appeared in this book.

But even then, I'm not done. After that's all finished, I will be rewriting Team SHDW Volume 1. Because if I knew then what I know now, things would've been MUCH more different. But for now, I will bid you all adieu. Till next time guys!

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