Chapter 19: True Colors

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"Um, excuse me?"

Ozpin and Qrow turned from their previous conversation (about what, Skyler had no idea) and saw Ruby and Skyler approach them. The two had met just a few minutes prior, both wanted answered questions.

"Ah, Miss Rose, Mr. Yin," Ozpin greeted, "Join us. We were just about to gather everyone to discuss our next steps."

"Oh, uh, great," Ruby spoke nervously.

"Something on your mind kiddo?" Qrow asked.

"Both of us, actually," Skyler corrected, "If it's okay to ask."

"Of course," Qrow replied.

"Well, uh..." Ruby started, "We've been talking about the Relic at Haven... and the Spring Maiden, but... what about the Fall Maiden?"

"Cinder?" Ozpin responded.

"Yeah," Skyler agreed, "Does that mean Salem has the Beacon Relic?"

Ozpin and Qrow shared a brief look with each other before the former said, "Very astute. I was wondering who would be the first to ask. No, thankfully she does not. It's true that the Relic at Haven is very much at risk, and for now, that should remain our primary focus. Let's just say I made finding the Relic at Beacon a... bit more challenging than at the other schools."

"Oh," the silver-eyed girl said as she and her friend sighed in relief, "That's good to hear."

"It is, but let's not forget the challenges that still lie before us."

The two teens nodded and Ozpin asked, "Now is there anything else we can help you two with?

"Oh, well," Skyler spoke up, "We did have one more question."

"No, my cane is not a Relic."

"We have no more questions."

They all giggled, and the headmaster said, "Yes, while this cane is indeed very precious to me, it is also just that: precious to me. While I admit it still has a few more tricks up its sleeve, I can firmly say that being a Relic isn't one of them. Now why don't you run and get the other students?"

Suddenly, Qrow's scroll vibrated. He took it out from his pocket to see that 'LEO LIONHEART' was calling. He took the call.

"Yeah?" Qrow answered, "...Okay... yeah, we'll be there."

Qrow hung up and Skyler asked, "Who was it?"

Qrow sighed while taking out his flask, "It was Leo, says he had a breakthrough with the council. Thinks he might be able to get together a small raiding party for the bandits. He wants us to meet up at the school tomorrow night to walk us through it."

Skyler raised an eyebrow at that, suspicions beginning to arouse, but Ruby just gasped and smiled, "Really? Oh, that's great! I'll go get the others!"

While Qrow took a drink from his flask, Ruby was about to run out of the room, Skyler in tow, but then stopped and looked back at Ozpin, "Oh! One more thing."

She smiled and waved, "Hi, Oscar!"

Ozpin blinked a few times before looking up at his forehead. He raised an eyebrow for a moment, but then chuckled, amused.

He gestured with his mug, "He said 'Hi'."

And with that, Skyler and Ruby left the room, the former and Qrow looking at the person beside them with confused looks.
"So, you think this is a trap?" Rose asked.

"It could be..." Skyler said, after he had gathered Rose and his teammates together, "It is a bit early for an attack though."

"But if Lionheart has turned traitor, that could mean he could let Salem's forces in at any time," Walker pointed out.

"He's right," Hazel said, "As much as I don't want to believe Leo is a traitor, it seems really freaking likely."

"This entire scenario seems fishy just on its own," Dante admitted, "Even without doubts that the professor is on our side."

"You're right..." Skyler pondered, "But what to do...?"

"Do you want me to call PHTM?" Rose asked, holding up her Scroll.

SHDW's leader thought about that for a moment, "Tell them to be on alert. Just in case this isn't a trap, I don't want them thinking we came all that way for nothing."

"And if it is a trap?" Hazel asked.

"Then at least we can expect get backup on the way. Who knows? Maybe STAR will change their minds on the whole situation."

"I suppose that's a possibility," Bloodmane shrugged, "They do seem pretty patriotic after all."

"Alright, so it's settled," Skyler summed up, "I guess that when tomorrow comes, we'll just have to be cautious and play it by ear."
When the line cut off on the other end, Pamela put down the landline and sighed. What on Remnant had her team gotten into?

"Was that Bloodmane?" Sapphire asked, walking over to her.

"Yeah," Pamela nodded, "Though I'm not quite sure on what to do."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Headmaster Lionheart called their group earlier to tell them about a plan he has for finding the Spring Maiden. The whole thing reeks of a trap, but on the off chance it isn't, they're keeping us on hold."


"And I'm not sure if we should follow that order or head over there anyway. What do I do?"

Sapphire considered this for a moment, "Well, what do you think is best?"

Pamela sighed, "I want to go anyway. If it is a trap, they're gonna need all the help they can get, and I'm not sure if we could make it there in time in order to be of any help if we held back. But still... what do you-"

"If you think that's the best option for your team," Sapphire interrupted, "Then do it. I'm not the boss of you. I can only give you advice, which is to lead your own team. You should know by now that, as leader, you can't go through this life being held by the hand."

Pamela sighed again, "You... You're right. Sorry."

"Don't be," STAR's leader smiled, "There's nothing wrong with wanting help from time to time. Just don't expect too much of it. I won't always be there. Make your own decisions, and if they turn out badly, then you learn from those mistakes and move on. No matter what happens, you have to keep moving forward."

And with that, Sapphire left her fellow leader alone, accompanied only by her thoughts.
Had to put that Monty Oum quote somewhere in here. But yeah, but now, the three "do nothing" chapters of this volume have come to an end! And while the next chapter won't be too long (heck, I had to struggle to get this chapter to be over a thousand words), at least stuff will go down. Till next time guys!

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