Chapter 5

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      We're all sitting at the table talking, every now and then I look over at Nina and see her sitting at the bar drinking. She looks dazed then a guy stands behind her and ask her for a drink, she declined and she looks really uncomfortable, trying to push the guy away, everyone at the table is staring at her. My blood boils when he grabs her by the waist and pulls her to him, she knees him in the crotch and he falls to the ground most of the at the table make a plained look.

    Nina has tears in her eyes and walks out to the garden in the club, I want to go and follow her but I know Nikki would probably slap me. But I couldn't help it 5 minutes later I tell Nikki  I have to go to the bathroom she believes me and lets me go. 

    I walk out to the back and open the door a little so she doesn't notice that it's open. I thought she wasn't out here then I hear  "Why do all the stupid guys hit on my, why? I had a perfect guy but then I let him go cause I wasn't 'ready' ". It breaks my heart to hear her say that I look over and see her sitting on a bench tears are streaming down her face, all I want to do is go over to her and hug her and say that everything is going to be ok but I can't. I head back to the table and all I can think about is Nina and what she said "I had a perfect guy but then I let him go cause I wasn't 'ready'" those words keep on going on in my head over and over. 

    Paul ask me to go get a drink with him. "You didn't go to the bathroom did you?" I look at him trying to come up with a cover but I know he'll no I'm lying so I shake my head, he sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder, "You still care about her don't you" I nod. I grab my beer and drink "I don't know what to do Paul, I mean yes I do care about Nina but I'm married to Nikki and I thought I was happy with her but lately I don't feel that spark anymore you know. Nikki is great but she's being really clingy and overprotective I don't know why." I put my head in my hands he stays quiet for awhile and then says "How about we talk about this tomorrow at lunch just me and you ok" I nod then head back to the table.

    I put on a smile and kept talking to everyone, 30 minutes later I see Nina walk past us and she's wearing something shiny around her neck I get a glimpse of it.

    The locket I gave her for her birthday a few years ago when we were dating, I remember the picture she put in there. It's of us kissing. Why would she be wearing that? 

    Everyone is getting tired so we decide to all go home. Nikki and I say bye to everyone then head home. The car ride felt weird like she was mad at me or something.

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(At home)

    Nikki head inside first and goes to the kitchen I follow her. "Is there a problem between us right now" I ask her, she looks at me and says "No there isn't I just feel a little weird after seeing Nina at the bar" I nod my head and go change. 

    While I'm in the closest I go on my phone and go to my messages and hit Nina's name then text her "Why are you wearing the necklace" I  hesitate on hitting send but I hit it then set my phone on the desk and go change. I change and did my night routine then went back for my phone and see Nikki is on it. 

    "What are you doing on my phone, Nikki?" she looks at me with hurt and anger in her eyes. "Why were you text Nina?! You told me that you don't keep in contact with her anymore? AND THE LAST THING YOU SAY TO HER IS THAT REMEMBER I LOVE YOU?!!!" I'm so confused right now then it hits me I did say "remember I love you" but that was when we were dating 2 years ago we haven't texted much since then. I shake my head and say "No Nikki that was when we were dating scroll up and you'll see" she scroll and then looks at me "Ok I'll give you that but why are you texting her now" 

    I stand in front of her and take her face in my hand "Ok listen I saw something and I asked her it means nothing, I love you and only you" she nods and we head to bed. 

    Nikki falls asleep right as her head hits the pillow but I stay up trying to get Nina out of my thoughts.


Sorry for not updating been busy with school and drama but here you go I promise tomorrow with be an update or maybe even two. xoxo

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