Chapter 11

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It's been 4 hours and still nothing, doctors and nurses and been running in and out of her room not telling us what's going on. It's driving me nuts I need to know what's going on. Paul and Phoebe left 3 hours ago because it was getting late.

A doctor in scrubs comes out and pulls down his mask I can see sweat running down his forehead. "Nina Dobrev" I stand up "Are you with Nina Dobrev?" I nod my head, he sighs and then looks at me.

"Ok nice to meet you my name is Dr. Carter, I'm Nina's head doctor" I shake his hand "Well the good news is that we got the poison out of her system, but the poison seemed to have already made it's damage on her" right as he says that I start to get worried "W....w...what do mean's damage?" "Well it seems like either the poison was on the knife she was stabbed with or it was injected into her, the poison seemed to be viper venom."

My mind stops. Viper venom..... "We don't know if the venom was a strong dose or a small one if it is small then the affects won't be bad but if it's a strong dose there's a 50/50 chance of life and death..." I stare at him wide eyed "So is there a way to find out how much of the venom was given to her?" he nods his head "Yes there is but by the time we get the results that might be to late, but we're putting a rush on the blood".

Nikki that bitch she did this. I tell the doctor to call me when the results come back. I decide to go and ask Nikki.

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(At the jail house)

I sit in the room waiting for Nikki, pacing back and forth I put a recorder in my pocket so I can use this against her. I'm making sure she'll stay in jail forever, Nikki walks in with hand cuffs on and chains on it she's wearing an orange jump suit. I told on of the guards to stay in here with us so if that she decides to attack me he can detain her.

"Awwww look my loving husband came to visit me" her voice sounds horsed and her hair is messed up the look on her face is screaming psycho. "I'm not your husband anymore the divorce is finalized I just came here to ask you a question and it's either you answer me truthfully or I'll tell the whole world that you are a psychopathic bitch who tried to kill an innocent girl".

"NINA IS NOT INNOCENT!!!" she tries to stand up just the chains pull her down she starts to break out of the cuffs but they're too strong, she's twitching a little bit. I look at her pity fills my eyes, this was a woman I was in love with but now all I can see was a person who tried to kill someone I care about.

My fist pounds onto the table making her look at me, "Nikki tell me what you did to Nina, I know you stabbed her what else did you do". She looks at me tilting her head a little a grin breaks out on her face, it kinda scares me I scoot back a little. "Oh what happened did she die?" sarcasm is filled in her voice she starts to laugh "Well if you want to know I gave her a very concentrated dose of viper venom that I've been saving just for her. I knew one day she'll come back so I wasn't going to let her ruin my happy ever after so I went to a buddy of mine brought it and then when I went to her house and beat the lights out of her I gave her 2 ounces of the venom".

I run out of the room and get in my car. I pull out my phone and dial the hospital, Dr. Carter picks up "Hello" "Hi Dr. Carter it's me Ian Somerhalder, I found out how much venom was given to Nina" "Ok how much?" "2 ounces" something crashes on the other end "WHAT ARE YOU SURE!!" he shouts "Yes why?" "Please excuse me I have to go" then the line goes dead.


Hey guys sorry for not updating lately school is stressful. Hope you guys like it vote and comment. Love Tay xoxo

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