Chapter 10

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His face inches forwards a little bit until it's centimeters away from mine I could feel his hot breath on my face when he spoke "You"

Nina Pov

    My eye's widen and my breath hitches I don't know what to do or say. Ian's face is still closes to mine but we're not kissing or anything just staring into each others eyes. Those crystal blue eye's that I fell for are staring into my chocolate brown eyes.

    A knock on the door makes Ian pull away and stand up straight it was a nurse she comes in, "Well Ms.Dobrev it seems like you're ok but we're still concerned about the knife wounds so you'll have to stay here for about a week so we can monitor you and see if anything happens". 

    "Oh thank you...." "Catherine" "Well thank you Catherine and that is a very pretty name" she blushes a little and then leaves. 

    Phoebe and Paul walk in, "Hey Ian, Paul can I have a moment with Nina alone please" Phoebe looks at me and I can see worried written all over her face. The guys leave Phoebe comes and sits next to me. "Ok what's wrong?" she takes a deep breath then looks at me I can see tears swimming in her eye's "I'm...I"m pregnant" my eye's widen and my jaw drops "Wha...what do you mean you're pregnant" "I mean 3 months ago me and Paul 'did it' the 4 weeks ago I started to feel sick then 1 week ago I took a  pregnancy test it was positive".

    My mind is still swimming around trying to process the information I just got. "So..... so have you told Paul yet?" she shakes her head looking down at her hands " I haven't I'm afraid he's not going to be happy and break up with me." I grab her hand making her look at me "Listen Paul isn't going to be happy and he's going to stay by your side through all of this I know this because he loves you" she wipes away a tear that was going down her face and smiles.

    "So do you think I should tell him today" I nod "Ok but if I am can you be there cause I don't want to be alone on this" "Oh I have to stay here for a week but you can tell him when he comes back we can just tell Ian to stay outside for awhile or something" 

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(A 2 hours later) 

    The boys have been gone for awhile now so I reach over to grab my phone but then I get a stabbing pain on my stomach which makes me hug my stomach and let out a small scream, Phoebe looks at me concerned. "Nina is everything ok?" I can't answer the pain is too much I just keep on clutching on to my side.

    Paul and Ian come in "Hey guys whats...... NINA WHAT'S WRONG" I just keep letting out small screams then the nurse and doctor walks in they put a mask over my face and the next thing I know everything is black.


    The nurse told us to get out of Nina's room because they had to see what was wrong with her. I'm pacer back and forth, I hate seeing Nina in pain it kills me. It's all that bitches fault, Nikki, because of her Nina is in pain. 

    While me and Paul were walking around letting the girls talk in the room I got a call from my lawyer saying that my divorce was finalized and that there will be I trail for Nikki on August 5th, I told Paul and he smiled saying that was what she deserved. I knew that Nikki wasn't the right one for me but at the time it seemed right but then she got more controlling and jealous even if I took pictures with fans she would drag me away. 

    To be honest she was kind of my rebound girl after Nina which I married. 

    I notice nurses are running in and out of Nina's room then the doors open and they were wheeling Nina away from us. We all ran after them then one of the nurses stop us.

    "Sorry you guys can't go in there" Phoebe looks worried she's squeezing Paul's hand really tight. "What happened" I ask quickly.

    "Well we found something that we didn't see before on the x-ray and blood test for some reason. Nina seems to have poison is her blood it could have been from the knife maybe her attacker dipped it into something. We're running test on her blood right now." then she leaves back into the room.

    My mind stops, my heart drops to my stomach. No, no, no. 


Sorry for not updating on the weekend had some family stuff to do. Hope you guys like this chapter vote & comment. Love Tay xoxo

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