Chapter 13

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    The nurses and doctor come in and take Nina away. "IAN!" someone is yelling my name I turn around and see that it's the whole cast of TVD "Hey guys what are you doing here?" "Oh Paul and Phoebe told us what some of the things that went on in the past 48 hours sorry Ian" Candice says hugging me. 

    We all go down to the cafeteria and just sit there talk "So Ian Paul told us that you and Nikki got a divorce what happened with that" Matt looks at me. Everyone in TVD wasn't the biggest fan of Nikki even tho they hugged her and hanged out with her they always thought that she was to self absorbed and other stuff, they even told me before I proposed to her to make sure that I wanted to do it. 

    "Well you all know that Nikki hurt Nina badly. So Nikki thought Nina and I were having an affair after seeing her at the bar then looking on my phone she said that I was cheating on her and other shit. Anyways Nikki and I had a nasty fight which lead to her saying that she was going to 'take care of the problem' at first I didn't know what she was talking about then it hit me. So I called Phoebe and Paul to meet me at Nina's house, when we got there we heard screaming coming from inside the house then we went in to see what it was then there stood Nikki she was standing over Nina's body with a knife".

    I take a breath looking at everyone their face either shocked with tears running down their faced or looking horrified.

    "So right as Nikki was going to stab Nina again I tackled Nikki to the ground and Paul the police and they came took Nina to the hospital and Nikki to jail. Her trail will be on August 5th and so after they brought Nikki to the jail house I went to my lawyers office and long story short we got divorce". 

     Just then a nurse runs into the cafeteria looking around then she runs towards me "Mr. Somerhalder something kinda went wrong with the surgery and Nina is losing blood are any of your guys blood O positive (I actually don't know what blood type they are I'm not a creep) the hospital ran out" I stand up "I am how much blood do you need" "Just 1 pint" I nod then follow her. She hooks me up to a machine. It takes about 10 minutes then she runs to the surgery room I want to follow but then my head starts so spin so I take a seat and wait until my mind is still.

    After a few minutes the same nurses walks out and tells me everything is stable with Nina. The surgery goes on for 1 more hour then Dr. Carter came out and said that everything looked great and that she should walk up within 2-5 hours.

    I walk into her room and saw her, the color in her skin was normal and her hand was warm she looked normal. I sit down and run my hand over her face and kiss her forehead "I love you" then I sit down and lay my head on her bed staring up at her then slowly drift off to sleep. 

Nina POV

    Someones hand is holding mine, their hand is warm and comforting. My eyes open and I look around at first I'm confused then I remember that I passed out after feeling pain in stomach. I look around the room there are white walls and I big window looking out to the city and the person holding my hand is Ian.

    He's asleep he looks uncomfortable, both of his hands are holding my his head in laying on my bed and his body is crouched over a chair the only warmth he has is from his jacket. Ian looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I run my hand thru his hair gently careful not to wake him up, his bread is growing. 

    Something in my body is telling me to kiss him but when I bend down to kiss in a pain runs through me and I let out a small scream. Ian's head pops up and looks around the room franticly then looks at me "Are you ok? What's wrong? Are you in pain?" he fires off with the questions the pain went away seconds later.

    "Nothing my hip just hurts" he sits back down then looks at me "Oh yeah you have 15 stitches there they had to do surgery on you" I look at him confused then he grabbed my hand and sat on my bed "You had viper venom in your system Nikki injected you with it but they were able to get it out. There was a little mishap when you were in surgery you kinda lost some blood but I gave you some so you're ok".

   I look at his arm and notice there's a little bandage there. He gave me some of his blood so that I wouldn't die. 

   "Why did you do that?" my voice comes out shaky. He leans in his face just inches away from mine "Because Nina Dobrev you are an amazing woman who doesn't deserves to die and if you did then my world would crumble, because you are the only person I love" then he leans in and kisses me.


Sorry for not updating lately. Hope you guys like it. Love Tay xoxo

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