Track 4: Going HAM

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Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

I'd like to thank everyone that has voted or commented on this story! Especially Fantasy_Sky731 for the sweet, thoughtful review she left for Chapter 3. :)

Keymuse, Exolover44, drizzlestarstone, qveen_what, and Miyako_Toya- you guys were some of the first to vote and comment, so I really want to thank you for your interest and support! You guys are my Day 1s haha.

jhopexoxo, ELMckenzie, AngelofRuin, ChangesWelcomed, IWouldSayNaomi, lucian-islandgirl, dil_howelter2, KindaNobody, and the hilarious BlvzeBaii- you guys are my enthusiastic commenters and I always look forward to what you have to say.

If I forgot anyone, I apologize, but would like to thank you as well.

Keep writing~

Track 4: Going HAM

When is it OK to knock over a kid on crutches?

A. Never!

B. It depends...

C. Any time

D. When running from an evil, psychotic bully.

If you chose D, then you are correct!

I burst through the cafeteria's double doors so hard and so fast, I almost took out an innocent civilian. On crutches.

I used my momentum to swing around and grab him under one arm just as both crutches hit the floor. He wobbled and flailed, avoiding another broken bone when the guy he was with grabbed his other arm and snarled, "I'm sure wherever you're going isn't that important!"

"Sorry," I mumbled, before sprinting down the hall, bumping into several other people along the way. Thankfully, none on crutches.


The girl's bathroom at Beechmill High was a place I trained my bladder to avoid. I could chug almost two bottles of water and half a carton of milk without having to pee until I got home. When I flew into a dingy stall littered with gum, cigarette butts, and the remains of a tampon wrapper, I remembered why, but collapsed against the door anyway.

Josh Henderson now went to my school and I'd poured chocolate milk all over him- in front of everyone in the cafeteria! By the end of the day, word would spread, and he'd hunt me down to exact sweet revenge.

I squeezed my eyes shut, shivering, and thinking about the time he threw a water ballon full of hot sauce at my face. Due to some miracle (his aim was perfect, my reflexes sucked) it hit my shoulder...


A few splashes made it into my left eye and Enid spent the rest of that recess flushing it out with lukewarm water.

I wore prescription contacts now, so if Josh revisited that stunt, I'd probably end up blind.

There were approximately 1500 high schools in the state of Pennsylvania.

Why had Josh Henderson crawled out of my nightmares and picked mine?

"He's a god, he's a man,

He's a ghost, he's a guru!"

I jumped as my phone blared an Arctic Monkeys' song, fumbled it out of my pocket, and watched Enid's name flash across the cracked screen. I let the call go to voicemail. I wasn't coherent enough to speak. Plus she could still be sitting next to Jessica Paoli, and I didn't need her hearing anything.

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