Track 40: Earth Two

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Hey ladies and gents! (I highly doubt any guys read this book haha). The Thank You Giveaway I was hosting with MeiSummer has now ended! Thanks (again) to everyone that participated. The winners will be announced sometime this weekend.

I'm also entering the Wattpad Block Party hosted by KellyAnneBlount . If you're enjoying this book or my writing in general, please do me a BIG FAVOR and nominate me in the most recent Wattpad Block Party book (the cover is a beach) in the chapter titled "Contest" (there are two contests— it's the first one). You can nominate me more than once, however many times you want.

I know there are always a million contests running on here, but I'd truly appreciate it.

Thank you for your continued support. You guys are amazing <3

Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 40: Earth Two

Rocco tossed more twigs into the fire, sat back on the log, and put an arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at him with a content smile. I'd eaten my body weight in s'mores and other sugary treats, and could barely move.

I wouldn't want to if I could. This was perfect.

"What're you thinking?" Rocco murmured. "Sometimes I've got a pretty good idea, but other times I'm just like yeah...way off base, Alden."

"Then how do you think I feel? What goes on in here is a total mystery," I complained, tapping on his forehead lightly.

"I promise there's nothing interesting going on in my head. Nothing at all. I hope the new album does well, hope we get to tour, hope I don't fail all my online classes." Rocco paused, eyes set on the crackling fire. "Hope I still get to see you when all this is over..."

My throat tightened at his words. Was there a marshmallow lodged in there or something? I hadn't really thought about the end of Misery Loves Company until now. After the last episode, when the cameras stopped rolling...what would happen?

I tried to put together a realistic timeline.

In a little over a month, Blue Vendetta would start promoting their new single "Safety in Numbers," and subsequently their second album. That meant concerts, interviews, guest appearances on TV, award shows, possibly a tour...

Rocco was saying he wanted to see me, but would that be possible with his schedule?

How often could he make it down to Beechmill?

I was suddenly less content. And at a loss for words, but that didn't seem to bother him.

"After we perform 'Safety in Numbers' during the last episode of MLC, we're gonna do another show in Philly. Then the label's throwing us a party. You'll come right?"

"To the show?" I finally asked.

"And the party."

I was anxious just thinking about it. The last thing I wanted to do was go to an industry party and schmooze with Ackerman and other insincere people trying to network. "I don't know..."

Rocco gave me a hopeful look. "What if I say please and make you another s'more that won't singe your tastebuds?"

I hesitated before sighing, "Fine, but no more s'mores. If I eat anything else I'm gonna explode."

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