Track 17: The Date Saga (Part III)

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Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 17: The Date Saga (Part III)

"Give me your phone," Dom said slyly.


"My dare is for you to give me your phone, so I can read your search history."

In addition to nausea, I was starting to feel light-headed. "No way!"

"Fair is fair, Miz," he taunted in a sing-song voice. "I did your dare, now you do mine. Hopefully you haven't cleared your search history recently."

I looked at Ethan for help, and all he did was zoom in on my terrified expression. I turned to Dan; dear, sweet Dan, but he just gave me a thumbs up. In fact, the whole crew was watching with rapt interest. No one said a word about how what Dom was asking would be a total invasion of privacy.

With a feeling of dread, I pulled out my phone and handed it to Dom.

"You still haven't gotten your screen fixed?" he scolded, tracing the hairline fractures on the display. I swallowed thickly as he turned the phone back towards me. "Password?"

I reluctantly typed in the four-digit code.

My chest started doing that thing where it thought it was a pinball machine as sweat trickled down the back of my neck. Sometimes I googled random stuff out of boredom or curiosity. I mean, who didn't? The problem was those searches always led me down a rabbit hole deeper than the one Alice fell into.

"Let's see, let's see..." Dom chanted, scrolling down. "The Beechmill bus schedule to Philly...hey, no invite? Random store, random store, random store. Is Jackie Chan dead...I was actually wondering that too! He hasn't done anything lately. Do belly buttons have a purpose after birth? Yes, surprisingly. Phone number to Pizza Hut...I'm disappointed in you, Miz! Dominos is way better..."

I struggled desperately to keep my face neutral, but it was hard with the crew snickering in the background. Ethan had one camera trained on me while the other filmed Dom destroying my life sentence by sentence.

Then something occurred to me. Something I couldn't believe I'd forgotten!

At precisely 7:41PM on Friday night I decided to google: rocco alden. So naturally, that  led to googling: rocco alden shirtless.

I could tell the second Dom laid eyes on the incriminating search, because he looked up quickly, a strange glint in his eyes. "Interesting..."

"Don't say-!"

"Rocco Alden shirtless?" His mouth curved into a sardonic smile.

I prayed to get struck by a lightning bolt that would take Dom out too. What were people at school going to think when they saw this? I'd be branded a bully and a perv. What would Rocco think? I was really considering moving to Canada now- except it'd be pointless because Blue Vendetta had fans there too!

"I don't blame you. Roc's probably got the best abs out of all of us." Dom lifted his shirt and peeked under it. "Mine aren't too shabby though."

I was barely listening, still paralyzed and mortified. The only silver lining in this whole thing was maybe Enid would finally get off my back about him. People lied, search histories did not.

Dom suddenly burst out laughing, making me wish I'd been paying attention. "Why is my left boob bigger than my right?"

There weren't any people sitting at the tables directly next to us, but I could feel everyone in the restaurant looking at me, trying to figure out why Dom and the whole crew were in hysterics. I practically dove across the table and snatched my phone from Dom. "It's normal! No one's breasts are symmetrical!"

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