Track 54: Home Away from Home

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Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 54: Home Away from Home

If I hadn't known Josh was in a terrible car accident that killed both of his parents and left a huge scar on his torso, I'd say he looked comfortable behind the wheel.

But that was just a cursory glance. When I looked closer, it was easy to see that wasn't the case at all.

His knuckles were white around the steering wheel, and so was his face. A thin sheen of sweat coated his forehead even though the heat was on low. Cars were whizzing past us honking; their drivers rolling down their windows to hurl obscenities. I couldn't really blame them. Josh was going fifteen below the speed limit.

After a while, I couldn't watch him suffer anymore and ordered him to pull over.

"You're not OK," I pointed out. "Let me drive."

He let out a breath. "I'm fine."

I unbuckled my seatbelt. "Josh."

"I said I'm fine."

Ugh, men. It looked like I'd have to come at this from another angle. "I just can't sit here and— and stare out the window! All I'm doing is worrying about Rocco. Driving will help take my mind off him until we get there."

Josh stared at me, wrestling with himself. He wasn't stupid. He probably knew what I was doing. Part of him looked angry, insulted. But a bigger part looked relieved. I'd given him an out— all he had to do was take it.

He undid his seatbelt, and we both got out and switched seats.

I pretended not to notice him closing his eyes and melting into the passenger's seat. He drew deep, shuttering breaths and after clicking his seatbelt, gripped it tightly.

Putting the car in drive, I let Josh compose himself before we took off.

After thirty minutes down a few winding roads, we reached the entrance to East River State Park.

The trees were dense clusters kissing the darkening sky, most of their branches thick and bare. Some evergreens danced in the wind, and from the car I caught a glimpse of cliffs that looked like steps had been carved into them. I think I'd read somewhere they were called terrace rock formations. I'd be able to appreciate them more if I wasn't so nervous.

I killed the engine right after the welcome sign. It was starting to get dark, so I wanted to hurry and find Rocco. I also didn't want Josh braving the narrow, winding roads without help from the sun.

It was a good thing I'd texted Ji-Hyun before I took over the driving. Her and the guys now knew Rocco was OK, so they were able to do me a little favor.

I shot a text to Rocco to let him know I was here, and watched the progress bar crawl before saying delivered. My cell signal was spotty here. Maybe I should try calling? I only had to wait a few seconds for the flashing ellipses of a response to appear. My heart galloped. It would be the first text I'd received from Rocco in two weeks. Two weeks too long.

Rocco: get on the trail past the welcome sign, and stay on it for fifteen minutes. i'll be waiting for you by the waterfall.

"OK." I took a deep breath and slipped my phone in my pocket. "Thanks, Josh. I really owe you one."

"You did most of the driving. It's getting dark. Maybe we should park and I should walk you to Alden."

He was either trying to stall driving back by himself, worried about me skipping through the woods at night, or...both.

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