Track 21: Famous Last Words

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Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 21: Famous Last Words

The squat red-brick building I called school was a monster and my peers were its teeth. When I walked into the belly of said monster, all activity stopped.

It looked like everyone had seen the first episode of Misery Loves Company, but no one could agree on how to feel. Some people glared at me, actual hate evident in their eyes, some were green with envy, and others stared in admiration. A nobody like me had met Blue Vendetta, breathed the same air as them- touched them. It was an impressive betrayal to the many fans in committed relationships with the boys in their heads.

That's why I kept mine down, avoiding eye contact with everyone as I trudged down the crowded hallway. I could survive this if I tried. My locker was just around the corner.

I made it two more steps before something wet hit my cheek.

Startled, I floundered awkwardly, trying to flick the mysterious projectile off my face. It slipped, leaving a slimy trail in its wake as it tumbled to the ground. I looked down, still frantic, and what I saw made me want to hurl.

Stretched out, and oozing white liquid was a condom.

I immediately began wiping my cheek with the sleeve of my hoodie; dizzy with anxiety and disgust in front of most of the student body. They laughed at me, pointing and shouting things I couldn't hear over my own growing panic. The fluorescent bulbs lining the ceiling were too bright and the hallway seemed to get smaller and smaller with each passing second. Someone's cackling rose above the rest and I looked up to see Jessica Paoli leaning against a locker. She stood with her friends who were all dark-haired, gorgeous, and mean. An army of Kardashian clones. I noticed that Jessica was holding a carton of milk while Morgan Powell shook a box of condoms suggestively.

I gaped at them, stunned to the point where I couldn't even move.

"Don't look so shocked," Jessica chided. "I'm sure you saw plenty of them over the weekend. Or are you on the pill?"

More laughter filled the hallway, followed by loud whispers of agreement.

"Whose was the biggest?" Morgan raised perfectly shaped brows, a nasty smirk on her face. "Come on, you can tell us. I'm betting it was Rocco. Or maybe even Eli...he looks like he'd surprise you."

"Guys, how'd she look when Rocco was doing her make-up again? Oooh do it, Amanda. You do it the best," Jessica squealed.

Amanda Rios tucked her short hair behind pierced ears, cleared her throat, then made simpering puppy dog eyes; even whining loudly to solidify her performance.

Jessica cackled gleefully, and to my horror tears welled in my eyes.

"Aww stop! You're gonna make her cry," Tiffany Lynch cooed. As the fourth Kardashian wannabe, she barely made the cut, but regular tanning and over-doing it on the lip liner had pushed her through.

"She can cry about this." Jessica grabbed another condom out of the box Morgan held, filled it with milk, and flung it at me.

I tried to dodge the milk-filled condom, but it struck the side of my head, exploding in my curls, and drenching me in the cold, white liquid.

"Hm...this feels kinda familiar," Morgan said, tilting her head.

Josh. Yes, this was about Blue Vendetta, but it was about Josh too. They were getting payback on his behalf.

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