Track 8: #BlueVendettaDoesMyMakeUp (Part I)

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This chapter is dedicated to VeraMicic ! You've been so encouraging and helpful these past few weeks, and now I can't imagine Wattpad without you! Thank you! And...quien es tu Madre?! Haha. (Inside joke)

Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 8: #BlueVendettaDoesMyMakeUp (Part I)

You know that weird, fluttering sensation you get in the pit of your stomach during the first drop of a rollercoaster?

Well, I was experiencing it right now- in the middle of Enid's bedroom. "Date? Did you just say date?!"

"Pictures will be up on Everything Enid dot com! You guys have until this Sunday 10PM Eastern Standard Time to vote for your favorite look! And don't forget to tune in next Friday to see who won and how the date went!"


She promptly ignored me. "So who's up first?"

Rocco stepped forward. "Hand it over," he said.

Enid giggled and handed him a big black bag overflowing with make-up and beauty tools that would look more at home in a medieval dungeon.

Rocco glanced down at the bag confidently. If he or Eli won...I maybe wouldn't die on this date. Maybe. It would still be super awkward because I was super awkward, but at least I was somewhat comfortable around them. No, scratch that- I was somewhat comfortable around Eli. Rocco was a different story.

He suddenly looked up and threw me a lop-sided grin like he just knew I was thinking about tongues and merry-go-rounds and chocolate ice cream.

I glared back, because the jerk was right. "You ready?" he said.

"W-wait," I stammered, a halting palm on his chest as he came at me with a particularly shiny eyelash curler. "Do you even know what to do with that thing?"

I barely knew what to do with that thing.

Rocco smiled, "Don't you worry."

In hindsight, I should have worried, because the next thing I knew Rocco was trying to cram my lips in-between the eyelash curler!!!

"Ow! Mmmph! Oww! Stop! What're you doing, Rocco?!" I screamed, pushing him and the menacing utensil away. Enid burst into laughter so uncontrollable, she had to go and sit on the bed. Eli and Dominic were leaning against each other to keep themselves from collapsing in hysterics. Even serious Jae, the director, and all the crew members were chuckling. Ackerman and Tom Morgan looked quite pleased in their corner of the room, knowing all of this would boost the ratings.

But Rocco...Rocco was blushing! He just stood there staring at the eyelash curler like it had betrayed him. "I thought girls used this"

"To what, Rocco? It's for curling eyelashes," Enid cackled.

Rocco's confidence bled away, replaced by an uncertainty that looked so foreign on his face, I couldn't help but crack a smile.

For once I could tease him.

"And the Academy Award for 'I don't know what I'm doing, but let's pretend I do' goes to...Rocco Alden! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!" I exclaimed, pumping one fist in the air.

"Swear to God I saw this chick put her lips in one!"

"Language, Mr. Alden! This is a family program!" Dominic hollered.

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