Track 23: Riots & Hazardous Materials

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Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 23: Riots & Hazardous Materials

I was pretty sure someone just pinched my butt.

Too bad I didn't have the luxury of feeling violated. I was trapped in the middle of an enthusiastic mob of people screeching in my ear and pulling me in different directions, all while trying to take selfies.

I heard compliments: "Wow, she's actually prettier in person."

And I heard insults: "Ugh...she's annoying. Why is she even here? It's not like she's dating any of them for real."

"Unless she is..."

That wasn't a compliment or an insult- it was a statement. A very dangerous statement that sent a collective hush over the eager crowd.

I shut my eyes. Things were about to get ugly.

And they did.

Within seconds the crowd went from overly enthusiastic to angry. People started shouting questions they weren't giving me the chance to answer, accusing me of secretly dating one or all four members of Blue Vendetta and pulling at my hair. Someone tried to snatch Rocco's jacket and I had to hold on to it for dear life.

I was scared. Really scared. To be the focus of such malicious energy from so many people was over-whelming. It was like what happened at school with Jessica but magnified. I ducked my head, throwing up a hand to hide my face. "Stop!" I cried. "Just- stop. Please!"

A hand wrapped around my wrist and my immediate response was to try and dislodge it. The person yanked again and this time I flew forward, stumbling past people still trying to get unwanted selfies with me.

"Who's that?" one of them yelled angrily.

"Is that Enid?"

"Not unless she dyed her hair!"

I stared at the hand around my wrist and followed it all the way up to a blond bob with dark roots. I was being dragged out of the crowd by another girl! "Move!" she barked. "Outta my way!" Man, she was strong. Once we got to the edge of the mob she started running. "Pick up your feet, Misery!"

For some reason I did what she said, gazing at the back of her head in wonder as I ran.

How did she know my name?

I almost laughed at my own stupidity. Most Blue Vendetta fans knew my name at this point. I was no longer the friend helping out Enid behind the scenes.

I was in the spotlight now.

A couple of wild fans broke off from the crowd and actually started to follow us. My savior turned around to yell at them, and I saw her face for the first time.

She had huge, dark eyes, thick brows, and perfect bone structure. She felt familiar in a way- maybe because she reminded me of my younger cousin's favorite Bratz doll.

Smiling confidently, the girl tugged on my arm one last time before stopping in front of the Iron Barrel's front doors. Stanchions were set up blocking them, and they were guarded by a man that looked like John Cena and a woman that looked like Rhonda Rousey. I wasn't sure if that was intentional or not, but I was intimidated anyway.

"Please get back in line-" John Cena started talking only to be interrupted by my savior.

"Let her in."

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