Track 56: Such Great Heights

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Misery Loves Company

By: theinkslingerr

Track 56: Such Great Heights

When I got home, I said hi to my mom and went up to my room. The calender on my nightstand I'd been using to count down the days until the release party was filled with red Xs. I picked it up and drew another one.

One more day.

In one more day I would get to see Rocco.

My phone buzzed with a text from Sienna.

Sienna: So...who're we going to the party as?

Rocco had told me I could bring her for moral support, but I wasn't understanding her question. I texted back: ???.

Sienna: I knew it!! Rocco's been so crazy in love, he forgot to mention it was a costume party!

I froze, eyes widening in horror and confusion.

Me: In December?!

Sienna: In December.

Me: What kind of record label throws costume parties to celebrate the release of a single??

Sienna: Ask your man!

Me: Right after I kill him. How'd you find out?

Sienna: Ji-Hyun texted me to see who I was going as. She assumed we knew. We have one day to come up with costumes.


Sienna: I've got these two round pillows on my bed. Do you think I could pull off Beyoncé?

The next day, Sienna and I went shopping after school and did what we could to come up with respectable costumes. According to Ji-Hyun, everyone at the party would be dressed up as a musician; past or present. She also offered hair, make-up, and carpooling services.

God, I loved her. She was a lifesaver; a Swiss Army knife of a person.

When Sienna left with her bulging shopping bags, I went upstairs with mine. After putting them by my bed, I second-guessed my costume choice for the millionth time.

Could I really pull off leather pants?

Sienna had wolf-whistled when I'd tried them on, but she was biased.

People would know who I was, right? This artist was a pioneer in her corner of the music world.

Anxious, I crossed off the last square on my grumpy cat calendar. Tomorrow was D-Day.

A few hours later, Rocco FaceTimed me. He was in a hotel room in Austin, Texas. Blue Vendetta had stopped there to do more promotional stuff for "Safety in Numbers." His hair was wet, so he'd probably just gotten out of the shower. And he was shirtless.

My eyes narrowed. This had to be on purpose. Someone had alerted him of his mistake, so he was trying to distract me.

"Hey, babe!" he said a little too eagerly.

I frowned and launched right into my guilt trip. I couldn't believe he'd forgotten to mention I'd need a costume for the party during all of our phone calls, texts, and FaceTimes. I hadn't been looking forward to socializing with the intimidating people associated with his label, but now I'd have to do it in a cheesy costume?

I got to see that rare blush again as he apologized over and over. I hoped he could feel my glare all the way in Texas.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the calendar and sighed. At this point, it was what it was. I still couldn't wait to see him.

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