Meeting The Cabin Mates

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I have my earphones in and my music blasting my ears out. I'm not using my phone because we can't bring them to camp so I'm using my dad's. My window was rolled down and the wind whips my hair, I rub my hand over it to calm them down. Out in the distance I see a broke down camp sign, it looms tall over the trees.

"Almost there, Laur." Mike says to me, I smile.

"Yeah, I'm really pumped." I admit, he pulls through the wood beams and into a parking lot.

"Well, this is it!" Mike says, getting out of his car. "The rest is walking."

I groan, slipping out of my seat and onto the street. I grab my string bag before closing the door. "Walking? You're kidding right?"

"Nope, no funny business around here. But I'll help." Mike explains, grabbing a suitcase of mine. I move to the back of the car and grab the last one. I make sure my string bag is secure on my back before following my father up the trail.

"Is the camp just up this trail?" I ask, Mike nods his head yes.

"Yeah, it is. Then I'll leave you and let you get your cabin."

I mentally slap myself, I forgot about sharing cabins! "Dad, I forgot, how many people per cabin?"

"Five." Mike replies shortly, I groan again.

"So, I'll be sharing a cabin with four other girls?" I ask.

"That's what I said, right?" Mike laughs to himself. We walk together up the hill. Trees get lost behind us. Everything is covered in growth; it's beautiful. The canopy of the trees blocked out the sunlight, but some trickled in anyway.

I recognize the tall, wooded post for the camp. The one I saw in the car. The sign that was attached to the tall beam read in bold, engraved letters: 'Camp Hunt'. I roll my eyes at the name, what are we going to be doing here? Hunting? Once my father and I reach the top of the trail, a path came into view. The path is lined with yelled flowers, it lead to a small, wooden building. A line of people was coming from the propped open door, I stood at the end of it.

"This is where I leave you." Mike says to me, he heads me the suitcase he was carrying. "See you on the first week of September!"

I wrap him into a hug, he chuckles softly. "See you later, dad." I say to him. We let go of each other. I wave to him as he backs away down the trail. I turn forward and twiddle my thumbs. The line inches forward, the grab my bags and move closer to the other people in line. Soon it's my turn next, I read the words printed on the door in blue. They read: 'Camp Director'. Director? Does the person think this sounds cool? It doesn't. I walk into the small cabin. The walls are lined with wooden poles, tables are placed everywhere. The room is filled with the sounds of chatter. I notice a older lady gesturing me over to her. I smile to her and walk over.

"Hello," the old says, she smiles at me. "Name?"

"Lauren, Lauren Jauregui." I say, she nods and flips through the papers on her desk. She raises her eyebrows and pulls one single sheet out. "Here it is. It has your cabin number in it."

I nod and take the paper from her hands. I glance at the information on it. Nothing interesting except information about me and my family. The number 13 is printed in bold font on the top of my paper. That must be my cabin number. I turn to leave the cabin when the lady says my name.

"Yeah?" I look over to her.

"I forgot, at five o'clock is dinner and at six thirty today is the camp rule campfire. Don't be late." The lady reminds me, I nod and leave the house.

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