The Rock Wall

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Lauren's POV:

I trek through the tall grass near the border of the forest, thoughts swirl in my mind. What if Camila is a Fire? Then we couldn't date, we would hate each other. What if other people at this camp are on their fifth and a half generation? If so, what are they? Who are they? Why was Bea telling me that? Is something going to happen? I shake my head to clear my thoughts, everything is so confusing. I close my eyes and press my fingers to the bridge of my nose, I take a deep breath.

"Lauren," I hear someone call my name. I open my eyes and turn to see the boy from the wood carving shack, Shawn. "Hey, hold up."

I cross my arms, he jogs up to me. "Yeah?" I ask, tapping my foot impatiently. I mean, sure, he's sweet but I think he likes Camila.

"How have you been?" Shawn asks, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"Fine." I answer shortly, I start to stride away but he runs after me.

"Wait, wait, Lauren, please." Shawn begs, I groan and stop walking.

"What do you want?" I question, irritation evident in my tone.

"I've been talking with Bea, you know, Bea Miller?" Shawn tells me, I let my arms fall from their crossed position.


"I-I'm a Forest," Shawn admits, rubbing the back of his neck slowly. "I'm on my fifth and a half generation as well. She told me that Jauregui, which, at that time, I didn't know who that was, but now I do, it's you, was also on her fifth and a half generation. But what are you?"

"I'm a Water, I guess." I reply, angry leaving my body slowly but steadily.

"I can see that," Shawn nods his head, his hair sways gently to the side. "At least we get along. But, um, what is Camila?"

"Not sure," I shrug, picking at my fingernail with my other fingernail. "Bea thinks she is an Air."

"Oh," Shawn sighs, letting his shoulders slump. "If she is an Air, I can't be with her. It's the 'be four' code."

"I knew you liked her," I say, a bit to aggressively as he backs away slightly.

"She's a good person, so, yeah, I do." Shawn puts his hands in the air. "Why?"

"I-I like her," I admit, running my fingers through my hair. "But don't tell her. If you do, I swear, forest boy—!"

"You like her?" Shawn says in amazement. For a second I thought he was going to get all homophobic on me. "I would of never guessed! It's okay, though, I totally approve. I won't do anything to disrupt you two, it's fine with me. And I won't tell her."

I exhale in relief, I cast him a gratefully grin. He returns it, "Anyway, Bea will probably try to train you. She did with me. Watch," Shawn says as he places his hand on the closest tree trunk. He closes his eyes and mutters something I can't pick up. The tree instantly glows a bright green. Tall neon green blurs, that look a lot like people, walk out of the trunk, they float in the air like ghosts. They must be the Green spirits. Shawn nods at one and they disappear into thin air.

"That—" I stutter, staring at him in awe. "That was amazing!"

"I guess," Shawn flushes with embarrassment, he rubs his neck again. "It's cooler when Ariana does it though. The flames flicker and then explode into people. She's a Fire."

"Wait, Ariana as in the lunch girl?" I ask, very confused.

"No, she isn't really a lunch lady, that's just her cover. She is really powerful and the coolness of the plates helps calm her powers." Shawn explains, he glances into the great lawn. "I should go, so should you. I saw Camila and them walk down towards the main cabin a bit ago. They are still probably there."

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