The Search & The What

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I quickly rush over to my table, not even a plate sits on the abandoned surface. My gaze floats over everyone else in the mess hall. When did lunch start? I notice Taylor from the campfire standing near the kitchen door, even though I hate her; she might know when lunch started. I shuffle through the crowed rows in between tables, bumping into elbows and random knees.

"Taylor," I call out, putting my hand in the air trying to draw her attention towards me. "Can you help?"

Taylor's head flys up, her blue eyes lock with mine. "Yeah, of course. What do you need?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows slightly in concern.

"When did lunch start?" I question.

"Twenty minutes ago, possibly twenty-five or thirty." Taylor answers, tilting her hand in the so-so manner. "Why?"

Panic surges through my veins, clogging my head with negative thoughts and possibilities. My breathing becomes rapid and loud. My head falls into my hands, I grip my hair with sweaty hands. What happened?

"Thank you, but I got to go. Goodbye!" I wave goodbye, not even waiting for an answer. I run to the large opening, bursting out the doors— it's completely gray outside now. The sun is gone. I sprint down the hill, and across the great lawn. Sweat trickles down my forehead, mixing in with my hair. I spot Bea standing next to Charlie, they are in deep conversation. I practically trip over myself as I bolt over to them.

"Bea," I pant, throwing my arms around her shoulders. "Have you seen her?"

"Who?" Bea asks, turning her head to look at me. My chest rises and falls as if I just ran a four-hundred meter sprint.

"Camila, Dinah, Normani, and Ally but mostly Camila." I gasp for air while Bea's mouth forms an 'o'.

"No, I haven't. Have you Charlie?" Bea asks, Charlie shakes his head in disagreement. "Sorry, Jauregui."

I don't even answer, I just run the opposite direction. My legs run towards the wood carving shack; I spot Shawn sitting in a chair, grinding down a child's block. My feet jump up the steps easily, even though they feel like lead.

"Shawn!" I gasp out, the child with pig-tails and Shawn look at me.

"Hey, Lauren, you look tired." Shawn comments, handing the child back her block. She smiles then scuttles down the steps beside me.

"Thanks." I say sarcastically, doubling over momentarily then straightening out. "Have you seen Camila, Dinah, Normani, or Ally?"

"Um," Shawn taps his chin gingerly in thought. He then smiles. "Yes, I just saw Dinah and Normani walk by. Maybe they know where she is."

"Where were they going?" I question, breathing loudly.

"Boating. I—." Shawn starts, but I really don't have time.

"Thank you, Shawn." I say gratefully, bolting down the steps and into the great lawn.

Frozen grass crunches under my stomping feet like building being trampled in New York City. I inhale deeply, cold swirling in my lungs. The sweat on my forehead slowly turns cold, leaving small freezing spots on my head. I run towards the lake, boats are cascading down the lake. People are there!

"Dinah!" I yell out, cupping my hands around my mouth to louden my voice.

"Yeah, Lauren?" Dinah asks from a purple boat. Normani waves to me from in front of her, she wears a green scarf and black jacket. Ally grins to me from a pink boat, her eyes bright with joy. She wears a yellow jacket and matching scarf, but they don't seem like her size. There is someone missing— Camila.

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