Interruptions At Lunch

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Lauren's POV:

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?" Camila asks me, I just stare at my full bowl of food blankly.

"I mean, I don't know." I say, my breath shallow. I'm well aware of that everyone at my table is staring at me, but I don't care. "Why can't we just eat our lunch?" I question, rising my gaze to met Dinah's. We connect eyes and she nods, Camila opens her mouth to talk but Dinah shoots her a silent message; she closes her mouth.

"So," Normani comments, turning her head towards Ally. "What's the next activity?"

"Wood carving." Camila replies, spooning some macaroni into her mouth.

"Wha—?" Ally stutters, gaping at the brown eyed girl. "How did you know?"

Camila just shrugs, she shoves another spoonful into her mouth. "I've already told you, I know everything."

A loud groan erupts from Dinah, my head swerves towards her. "Mila," Dinah exasperates. "For the last time, you don't know everything!"

"Yeah, I do!" Camila protests, angrily putting her spoon into her mouth.

A few long seconds of silence pass before Dinah speaks again, "Fine," she says, Camila raising her eyebrow at her. "If you know everything, what happened to Lauren's cheek?"

Camila's face drains of color, Dinah just continues to smirk at her. Camila opens her mouth to speak when a person shoves themselves in between Camila and I. A blur of blonde and white settles next to me, it's Bea. I notice Camila's once warm eyes turn confused.

"Jauregui," Bea says, running her fingers through her hair. "I checked all the cabins, yours is the only one in the forest. It's the closest to the fishing shack."

"You mean the Drown Hut?" Ally asks, furrowing her eyebrows. I glance at Camila, she purses her lips and clicks her tongue.

"What?" Bea questions, turning to look at Ally.

"What's your name?" Camila pipes in, her voice has an edge to it. It makes me shiver.

"Huh?" Bea shakes her, clearly confused.

"What's your name?" Camila repeats the question she just asked.

"What's your name?" Bea asks, Camila squints her eyes at Bea.

"Wait," Dinah chimes, tilting her head gently. "What about the Drown Hut?"

"Drown Hut?" Normani comments, rubbing her fingernails against each other.

"That's your name?" Bea asks to Camila who shakes her head and leans back slightly. "Drown Hut?"

"What?" Camila sounds shocked, I grimace. "No, I'm Camila."

"Oh, hey, Cabello," Bea waving her off. "What's the Drown Hut?"

"How do you know my last name?" Camila asks, astonished.

"I know everyone," Bea informs us, glancing around at everyone. "You just look a bit different from the last time I saw you. But, yeah, I know you, Dinah, Ally, Normani, and Jauregui." Bea says, ticking her fingers off as she says our names.

"Um, I have a name!" I point out, Bea shrugs.

"Yeah, but you also have a last name." Bea retorts, grinning widely. Her grin is even scary.

"Wait, when's the last time you saw me?" Camila questions, looking to me for reassurance. I just shrug and run my fingers through my thick hair.

"Doesn't matter," Bea shrugs, she looking face to face at Ally. "What is the Drown Hut?"

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