Floating In The Snow

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I wake up to the sounds of chatter. I rub my eyes open, letting my eyes dilate before looking around the cabin. It's still dark, I guess the snow didn't go away last night. I feel a weird warmth on my left side, it must just be a blanket. I open my mouth to speak to my three friends who are sitting on the cabin floor playing Uno, when a burning sensation runs through my throat. I try to breath through my nose, but snot blocks the air way. I groan outwardly, I must of caught a cold. I sit up slightly, running my fingers through my hair. A limb rolls off my chest and onto my thigh, I bite my bottom lip to stop me from screaming.

I look over, it's Camila. She is wrapped around my body, her legs intertwined with mine. Her face is buried in my neck, her constant breathing making me shiver. Her fingertips gently brush on my thigh, she is obviously still asleep as she hasn't said anything to me. Camila tilts her head down, so her ear rubs against my neck, she seems to be nuzzling my neck like a cat in her sleep

"Hey guys," I whisper, my voice raspy and nasally. "I think I'm sick."

"You sound sick," Normani replies, getting to her feet. "Here, let me help you with Mila."

"No, it's fine," I respond quickly, snaking my arms around Camila's waist, pulling her closer to me. "She's fine."

"Whatever you say," Normani puts her hands in the air, sitting back down. "But really Lauren, you shouldn't have gave Camila all your clothes. You gave yourself that cold!"

"It was worth it." I remark, relaxing back on my pillow.

"Sorry about Walz," Dinah says blindly, her eyes not leaving her Uno cards. "She insisted on curling up with you. I'm surprised you didn't wake up."

"Walz?" I ask, not recognizing the sobriquet. I turn my head towards Camila's, she seems so at peace with the world. So serene with everything around her, her face is so calm and beautiful. The way her silky, brown hair falls perfect around her shoulders leaves me speechless. She is perfect.

"Yeah, that's another one of Camila's nicknames; we have a lot like Mila, Walz, Chancho. The list goes on and on." Dinah informs me, setting a red card down.

"I call her 'Camz'." I share, smiling slightly. Camila stirs at her nickname, she trails her fingers up my leg and to the top of my shirt. Her fingers curl around the seams of my shirt, she pulls it closer to her chest.

"Good morning, Lauren.." Camila mumbles, smiling onto my skin.

"Good morning, Camz." I reply, grinning ear to ear. Camila seems startled when I speak; she sits up quickly, her head bumping against mine momentarily. We connect eyes, her chocolate irises seem full of worry.

"You sound sick." She says, tilting her body so she is propped up on her arms. Her body lays against mine, her leg between my legs near my knees. She stretches her body, her perfect stomach rubbing against mine, our hips connected. She lifts an arm, balancing on one arm, and places her flat hand against my forehead.

"No need to take my temperature, I know I'm sick. But it's okay." I reassure her, but I don't think it matters to her; she just kisses my forehead and wraps her arms around my neck.

"You're warm." Camila comments, resting her chin on the top of my head.

"Yeah, warm with sickness." My voice deepens and I try to shake her off. She doesn't budge, she just tightens her grasp on me. "C'mon, Camz, I don't want to get you sick."

"I'd rather be sick." Camila retorts, her chest heaving against mine.

"No, you wouldn't."

"Yes, I w—!"

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