The Girl In The Nurse Cabin

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Lauren's POV:

I wake up to silence.  I groan, the sound breaks through the quiet atmosphere; it shatters like a broken mirror. Sun streams in from a window near the door,  it creates patterns of light on the ground. I blink my eyes open slowly, my vision contorts from the sleep in my eyes. I inhale loudly and roll to my side, luckily I didn't fall off the bed like I did this morning. I rub my eyes with balled fists and my eyes go into focus.

"Why are you here?" Says a soft voice from across the room. I turn my head, a girl with bright blonde hair that tumbles onto her white blanket lays on the once empty bed.

"Um," I say, my voice raspy from sleep. "Boating accident."

"Mmm," She says, her head facing the ceiling. "You okay?"

"Yeah?" I answer, my words come out more like a question. "What's your name?"

"Bea," the girl replies simply, her eyes not leaving the ceiling. "And yours?"

"Lauren," I say quietly, sitting up on the backboard of the bed. "Why are you here?"

"Fell off the climbing wall." Bea answers, she chuckles lightly at herself. "Stupid guy below didn't catch me, he ran away when I lost my grip." She turns her gaze towards me, my breath catches in my throat. The side of her face is completely torn up, dried blood covers some parts of it. I can already see bruising under her almost black eyes, they weren't warm like Camila's. Indents in her skin show where the scars would form, she smiles gently at me.

"Hey," she says, my attention snaps back to her. "You think that's bad, wait till you see my arm." She chuckles again, shaking her head lightly.

"D-did you break any bones?" I ask, completely shaken by the blonde's positive attitude.

"Nah," Bea shrugs it off, shooting me a smirk. "My bones are as hard as steel. It'll never happen."

Bea sits up, the blanket slightly curves down around her upper torso, the torn skin of her arms shows from beneath the covers. Her arm is completely ripped up, dirt smudges the only clear skin left. Deep cuts still glitter with fresh blood, my eyes scan her arm. My emerald eyes land on her hand, her ring finger on her right hand is half gone. It looks like it happened a while ago but still, I can't help but gape at it.

"Y-your finger.." I stutter, Bea furrows her eyebrows and lifts her hand. Her eyebrows mold back into their regular shape and she smiles.

"Yeah, when I was twelve I got into a fight with a snake." Bea huffs, obviously still mad at the snake. "It was bugging me so I threw  my shoe at it. When I went to grab my shoe, it bite half my finger off."

"Mmm," I reply, that sound being the only thing I'm able to say. I quickly become curious about her fall from the wall. "Do you— um, do you have any other scratches from your fall?"

Bea nods, a smile creeping onto her lips. "Yeah, I do, actually. But, not anywhere I'd show you. Take me out on a date first, jeez."

"Wait," I ask, running the words she just spoke through my mind. "Your gay?"

Bea laughs, she shakes her head. "No," she answers between chuckles. "I'm whatever."

"Whatever?" I question, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Yeah, I just am. You know?" Bea suggests, I shake my head but she doesn't add on. I sigh when she turns to face the ceiling again.

A few beats of silence pass in the small room, I begin to wonder if the blonde is still awake. My mind quickly jumps to Camila, where is she? I sort of hope she will come and visit me, but I don't think Dinah will let her. I don't know why I feel these.. things.. for Camila, I've never, ever, liked any other girl like I like Camila. But the way her hairs gently flows in the wind, the way her warm eyes fill my heart with warmth, it must mean I like her. Although I'm never telling her, never, ever telling her. It could or would ruin our friendship, if that's what you'd call it. Maybe, one day, I'll hold her hand. But that's it.

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