The Meeting

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I wake up to someone shaking my shoulders as if I'm an Etch-A-Sketch and they're trying to erase the picture they poorly drew.

"Lauren!" A voice yells, it sounds like Dinah. "Wake up!"

"Five more minutes.." I mumble, rolling over and burying my face into my pillow.

"Get up!" Dinah screams, she pokes at my sides like I'm ticklish— which I'm not.

"Go away." I say clearly, gripping the fabric of my pillow and turning completely onto my stomach.

"It's morning time, Lauren!" Dinah shouts, she jumps onto my body and wraps her arms around my torso. I thrash around in her hold, she rolls off the bed. We land on the ground, my shoulder hits the floor. I groan and rub my now sore shoulder.

I wipe my eyes with my thumbs. They slowly open, sleep contorts my vision. I forcefully shut them then rub up near my nose, I blink my eyes open again. Everything falls into focus. I glance towards the bunks; no one is here.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, sitting up and running my fingers through my soft hair. Dinah shrugs, she gets to her feet.

"They went to breakfast. Ally wanted me to let you sleep a bit longer, so I did." Dinah explains, grabbing her jacket from a step on her ladder.

"How long ago did they leave?" I question, putting my hands on the ground and pushing myself up onto my feet. I dust my thighs off and frown at my bed. It looks so empty.

"Maybe ten minutes? Possibly twenty." Dinah says, tilting her hand back and forth in the so-so manner.

"Mmm, okay." I grab my bag from under my bed, and kneel onto my knees. I take out a pair dark blue jeans and loose sweater. "Give me a second to change."

"Okay," Dinah answers, sitting on the side of her bed.

"Close your eyes." I tell her, squinting my eyes at her.

"Fine." Dinah grumbles, she places her cupped hands over her eyes. "Whenever you're ready."

I roll my eyes to myself. I peel off my nighttime sweats and v-neck. I clasp my bra around my breast, glancing at Dinah to make sure she still has her eyes covered. She does. I shimmy into my indigo sweater, the cloth gently cups around my sides. I slide my legs into my jeans, jumping up and down to help. Finally, I zipper up and button my pants. I take a few seconds to run my fingers through my hair, trying to calm it down. Hopefully it doesn't look to bad.

"I'm ready, Dinah." I announce, slipping my shoes on my feet and lacing them.

"Thank God, I'm starving. Let's go." Dinah says, she pushes the cabin door open. Today she wears a simple plain t-shirt with bleached jeans. She pulls it off, I likely wouldn't.

I scoff when I reach the door, she left it open. I close the door behind me, my feet walk onto the beaten trail. Leafs scatter the path like glitter on a four-year olds school project— they are everywhere. Sunlight streams into the forest, making everything seem brighter than it actually is. The different colors of the few leafs left on the tree seem neon and the trunks of the trees shine a strange white color. I inhale a deep breath, the forest flooding into my nostrils. It's beautiful.

"Come on, slow poke." Dinah prods me with her words, I smirk slightly then jog up to walk beside her.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask, my arms sway gently in the delicate breeze.

"No idea." Dinah answers. "But, I'd bet you sixty dollars that Camila knows."


My heart freezes over at the sound of her name. I remember the guilt that lay in my chest when she let go of my hand last night, and when she didn't respond to my 'goodnight'. My eyes trail the ground in sorrow, my breathing slows down. I blink quickly, sliding my hands into my pockets. Does she hate me? What did I do wrong?

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