Peas & Exploring

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I sit slumped over at the picnic table. I'm dreading the rule campfire, how boring does that sound? I bat at my peas with my plastic fork. I have already finished my chicken and all that's left is round, impatient peas. Why do they have to roll everywhere? Why can't they stay in one place for a while? Why aren't they square? I stab one and place it in my mouth, I grind it against my teeth. Apparently I'm very passionate about peas. I roll my peas over to the stain of grease on the side of my plate; rice once sat there but I gave the rice to Camila. I poked my fork through another pea and brought it to my mouth.

I felt Camila prod at my shoulder, and I immediately feel like one of the peas I just ate. I turned my head towards her, "Yeah?" I ask, setting my fork onto my almost clear plate.

"Why are you tormenting your peas?" Camila questions, I frown at her.

"I'm not 'tormenting' them, technically, I'm just whacking them with my fork before I eat them." I say, but it doesn't really sound much better.

"I'll save them from you," Camila offers, grinning widely. I can't help but chuckle and pass my peas over. Something about her makes me want to give her everything I have. Okay, maybe not everything.. right? I watch her as she picked two peas out of the few I gave her. She sets them aside on her napkin, then she pokes the rest on her fork tongs and brings them to her mouth. Well, there go the rest of my peas.

"When is dinner over?" Normani asks, glancing at Dinah expectantly. Dinah just shrugs and continues to drink the water she reluctantly got from the kitchen.

"Dinner is over whenever you want it to be." Ally explains to Normani who nods in understanding.

"Is everyone done, then?" Normani asks, glancing at all of our plates; her eyes land on the two peas Camila left out. "Um, Camila, are you going to eat those?" Normani questions, pointing to the peas sitting on the napkin. I notice Camila's eye widen in horror for a brief second, I'm positive no one else saw, she then recovered and quickly nodded.

"Yeah, I am." Camila stammers. Normani nods and Dinah, Ally, and her stand up. I stand up as well, as I'm standing I notice that Camila doesn't eat the peas, but she scoops them into her hand and shoves her hand into her jean pocket. I let my gaze waver and it falls. She takes her hand out of her pocket and smiles like nothing strange just happened.

"You guys ready?" Dinah asks, clapping her hands together.

"Yep," I say, grinning. "Let's go explore this camp!"


The girls and I are walking down the hill to the middle of camp. The middle of camp is a huge green, grassy field. Certain building connect off it, like the nurse and the shower area, but nothing else. All bathrooms are next to each cabin; I guess that's nice.

"We have about a half hour before its rule time." Dinah complains, she throws her head back while groaning. "I hate rules!"

"Maybe the rules will be there's no rules?" Normani suggests. Dinah scoffs, a smile evident on her face.

"That only happens in poorly written movies, not real life." Dinah points out, but then she shrugs and adds, "But we can hope, can't we?"

Ally chuckles slightly, she bumps Dinah gently with the tip of her elbow. I never noticed how short Ally really was, but now that she's standing next to Dinah, who is pretty tall, she's like an ant. "You sound like me!" Ally exclaims, Dinah looks over at her wearingly.

"Is that a good thing?" Dinah asks, lifting both her eyebrows. I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh, Ally shoots me a glare. I give her a smile, the corner of her lips twitch upwards.

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