Stars & Hand Holding

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Lauren's POV:

I look up at the dim sky, and I breath in deeply. The smell of grass and ferns rushes into my nostrils, I smile. After dinner, Dinah and I grabbed our jackets from our cabin, everyone else claimed they were fine. I think they're crazy. I sit on the grass, I pull the jacket around my torso tighter. Camila sits next to me, Dinah next to Normani and Ally by Normani. We form a circle. I glance around at everyone, they're all doing the same thing as us. Waiting. For what you may ask, they don't know. I don't know either. Tonight feels right, everything feels right. I can feel it in my heart.

"Lauren," Dinah taps my knee, I snap out of my thoughts and look towards her. "Look what I made at the wood carver." Dinah pulls a large wooden 'C' out of her jacket pocket. "It's for Camren." I hear Camila scoff from beside me, my heart drops slightly. Why did one scoff feel so painful?

"Hey," Normani pipes in, grabbing a tall wooden 'L' from her pants pocket. "It's for 'Laurmila'."

"Wait, hold up, Lauren, give me your heart." Dinah tells me, putting her hand out flat in front of me. I chuckle at how it may sound to other people, they don't understand.

I roll my eyes and reluctantly give my wooden heart over, I set it in the middle of her palm. Dinah grins then puts the heart in the middle of the 'C' and the 'L'. Normani grins and Ally laughs softly.

"Wow," I comment, snatching my heart back. "Thanks."

"Anytime, Laur," Dinah grins at me, tucking the wooden 'C' back into her pocket.

The nickname hits me, I smile fondly. "Hey, my dad calls me 'Laur'."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Camila smile. I feel her hand fall onto my knee, she grips it tightly. My breath catches in my throat, I pass it off with a casual cough. I fight the urge to place my hand on her hand. Normani squeezes the 'L' back into her pants pocket.

"I still can't believe you guys ship us, we've only know each other for about two days." Camila suddenly says, laughing softly.

"It doesn't matter how long you've been with someone, Mila," Dinah states, pounding her closed fist on her knee. "But how long that person will be with you." She casts a gaze towards Normani, who smiles. Camila and I both glance knowing smiles at each other.

Maybe it was because of the moment, or maybe because of Dinah's words; but I place my hand nimbly on Camila's. Her hand is warm compared to my cold one, I let my hand relax and my fingers mold between her's. I don't care about the glances or sly smiles our friends are sharing, all that matters is her. Then it hits me, if we are only on day two, imagine day sixteen or even day nine! We connect eyes, mine dart to her lips; so pink and so pump. I shiver. I'm out of my mind, aren't I?

"Look!" I hear an unfamiliar voice exclaim from the distance. Everyone looks up at the sky; including me. Tiny dots of light speckle the dark sky, they make the whole atmosphere light up with happiness. I smile at them, they seem to smile back. I feel a spark between Camila's hand and my hand, I glance down at them. Camila must of noticed my staring because she lifts my head with her thumb, like Bea did, we connect eyes. I grin, not being able to deny the raw emotion between us.

Her hand falls and I look in front of me, Normani has her head on Dinah's shoulder. I smile at them, Ally is also looking at them; we share smiles. I move my hand off Camila's, I hear a faint sigh from Camila. I continue to slide my fingers under her hand, she notices what I'm doing and lifts her palm. I place my hand under her's, we interlock fingers. I let our hands slide into my lap, pulling Camila closer. She lays her head on my shoulder, the top of her head nuzzling against my neck. I relax my head against her's, I want to live in this moment forever.

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