Dinner In The Cabin

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By the time we got back, it was pitch black outside. I'm not sure of the time, because I'm not a human watch like Dinah is, but it seems pretty late. Trekking through the snow wasn't as bad this time— it was worse. About halfway through, it started to snow, so all our work disappeared quickly. Camila seemed, and still seems, really cold, so she is wearing most of my clothing. I don't care if I get the cold or the flu, as long as she is comfortable. I only thing I am wearing is a loose v-neck, the one I sleep in, and some pajama pants that aren't very thick. Camila wears my jacket, scarf, gloves, and my beanie, along with everything else she is already wearing. I feel her shivering next to me, her arm presses against mine.

I open the cabin door, I expect it to be as black as it is inside as outside; but it isn't. Flashlights scatter the floor, all turned on. Our three friends sit in the middle of the cabin, all wrapped in my blankets. They seem to be playing 'Go Fish' again, I feel a small smile twitch on my lips. It's extremely warm in our cabin, my arms and face being to feel numb from the temperature change.

"Laur! Mila!" Dinah beams when we close the door and slip off our shoes. "Do you want to join us?"

"Rather not, I'm freezing." Camila complains, I smile at her but I doubt she sees it; it's still pretty dark in here.

"How are you freezing? Lauren practically stripped for you!" Normani exclaims dramatically, noticing that I am wearing less than I was when I left. But, yeah, I guess I basically stripped for Camila, but in the most appropriate and loving way possible.

"Shut up." Camila mutters to Normani, blush growing on her cheeks.

I feel someone with warm hands grab my arm, the warmth from their skin burning holes into mine. It's Ally, she eyes me then yelps after a second of holding my wrist. "You're freezing, Lauren!" Ally screams, worry clouding her features.

"I'm fine, Ally, really." I reassure her, smiling as I go to grab my cream colored blanket they had draped on my bed when we left.

"Yeah, she can't be that cold." Dinah scoffs, smacking her hand on my bare shoulder as I return with my blanket. She basically rips her fiery hand off me, clutching it close to her chest. "Jesus Christ, Lauren!"

"Dinah!" Ally scolds, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Sorry, but she is really cold! Lauren, are you trying to get sick?" Dinah yells. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Camila's face turn uncomfortable. I hope she doesn't think it's her fault.

"Okay, you are all delusional. Making yourselves think that Lauren is cold, I bet she is as warm as a campfire." Normani rolls her eyes, laying her hand on my forearm as if I'm an armrest. She makes a choking sound and yanks her hand away from me, the area where her hand was feels like actual hell.

"I'm sorry..." I hear Camila mutter out, her voice cracking in such a short sentence. "I should be freezing, not you, Lauren."

"Camz!" I gasp, reaching for her hand. The second our hands combine, she pulls away and falls to her knees in front of me.

"Stop!" Camila begs, cupping my face in her hand. Even though it feels like my face is flaming, it's worth it. "You're like ice, please, go to sleep now. You need to be warm.."

"Camila, I—!" I shake my head when she interrupts me again, the look of disappointment lays deep in her eyes.

"Please, Lauren.. This is my fault." Camila slams her fist to her forehead, she exhales abruptly. "I shouldn't have complained."

"Camz, just l—!" I try again, only to be cut off for the millionth time.

"Lauren, I..." Camila starts to cry, she falls forward into my arms. I hold her securely, my arms tight around her.

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