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Before we get to what I want to say, I need to tell you something... You guys reading this story are the best, y'all are so supportive and amazing so thank you so much!

Now to what I want to talk about-

How do you guys feel about a sequel...? Because if you don't want one then that's totally fine. But if you do, I have an idea. I got this idea when I was plotting my next story, the one after Together, and I decided it'd be cool to write a sequel for this story. Then I had an idea while brushing my teeth last night.

It's up to you.

If you want it, I'll write the plot then post it. That would take a few day first and I don't know if I'll write my next book, Say You Won't Let Go, or the sequel to this book first. But if it does happen, I'll let y'all know when it's up.

How does it sound? Feel free to let me know by leaving a comment.

Goodbye! You're the best!


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