The Ride Back

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I wake up the next day, completely dreading everything. I roll out of my bed to find Camila laying on the floor, staring up at the cabin ceiling.

"What are you doing?" I ask, she shakes as if I startled her.

"Waiting," she replies, her nose crinkles. "I just can't believe we have to say goodbye to them."

"Wait," I lay beside her, leaning on my elbow to look at her face. "Don't you live by Dinah?"

"Yeah, but Normani and Ally live in Miami." Camila sighs, scooting closer to me.

"Really?" I beam, smiling suddenly. "I live Miami!"

"I thought you lived in Georgia.." Camila sighs, gripping onto my torso and pulling me on her. "That's where I live."

"Isn't that where we are right now?" I ask, glancing around.

"Yeah, Camp Hunt is in Georgia." Camila nuzzles my neck, I smile to myself.

Then my smile fades. If she lives here and I live so far away, will we ever see each other?

"What about us?" I ask, gazing up at her beautiful eyes.

"That's not right now," Camila reassures me, brushes the side of my face with her thumb. "It's okay."

I smile and open my mouth to speak when Dinah yawns really loud, waking up Ally and Normani. "Good morning!" Dinah shouts, looking around. I chuckle quietly when she realizes she is on the ground instead of in her bed.

"Why are you such a loud yawner?" Normani questions, glaring in Dinah's direction.

"Why are you such a—?"

"Dinah Jane!" Ally scolds, shimmying down the ladder. Her feet pad on the ground gently, leaving small thuds every time her foot hits the floorboard. "No cursing!"

"Fine," Dinah rolls her eyes, sitting up and glancing at Camila and I. "Why are you guys up?"

"Yeah," Normani wiggles her eyebrows, smirking. "Why are you guys up?"

"I woke up a few minutes ago," I sigh, rolling over onto my back and sitting up. "But we need to tell you something."

"Is it bad?" Ally questions, sitting beside me. Camila shifts her body so she is upright as well.

"Yes." Camila responds, nodding slowly. She suddenly becomes very interested in her fingernails, I sigh again.

"Are you pregnant?" Dinah blurts out, causing concerned glances from all of us.

"Dinah," Normani stares at her friend with raised eyebrows. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say."

"Not true," Dinah retorts, crossing her arms.

"How would Lauren be pregnant? Her and Camila can't even have children, they can adopt but they can't have one biologically. Maybe one day but not in this age without a donor. Also, who else would Lauren sleep with? It's not like she is straight." Ally says, her face so serious it makes me want to laugh.

"But what if Lauren slept with Bea and Bea is secretly a male?" Dinah comments, glaring at Ally. "And she is trying to pass the child off as Camila's?"

"Oh!" Normani squeals, grinning ear to ear. "Lauren, if you ever have a child with Camila; you should name the child Cameron!"

"Haha," I say bluntly, no humor laced in my tone.

"Anyway, you gu—." Camila starts, looking up from her fingers.

"Wait," Ally interrupts, tapping her chin. "Are you guys considering children? Because, if you are, I think you should at least start to date first. Unless you're already dating.."

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