Water, Fire, Forest, and Air

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Lauren's POV:

"Yeah, where have you been?" Normani repeats Dinah's question, I grimace.

"Uh, walking?" I answer, my voice cracking slightly near the end of my sentence.

"Well, maybe, before you went walking, you should of left at least a note!" Dinah snarls, backing into the cabin.

"We were about to leave to go looking for you!" Normani exclaims, stress evident in her tone.

"You scared me half to death," Ally yells, putting her hands in the air as if she's praising the lord. "Twice!"

"Um," I speak up, I notice Camila trying to disappear out of the corner of my eye. "If you were scared half to death twice, wouldn't  you be.. dead?"

"Never mind that!" Ally cries, placing her pinched fingers on the bridge of her nose. "Just don't do it again."

"Hysterical much?" Dinah asks to Ally.

"More like hysteric Ally," Camila says softly, her voice blends out in the tense atmosphere. "Get it? Like hysterically, but hysteric-Ally."

"Yes, Mila," Dinah rubs her fingers against her temples. "We get it."

"Anyway," I comment, earning everyone's glances. "When is breakfast?"

"Soon, but I'd rather not tell you because I'm angry at you for leaving without telling us o'clock" Dinah glares at me, I notice Normani stifle a laugh. Ally just shrugs.

"So," I run my fingers through my hair, my fingernails scrape against my scalp. "Right now o'clock?"

"Yep," Dinah says, popping the 'p'.

"Wait, but breakfast is at eight; not seven." Ally replies, turning around and plopping herself down in Dinah's bed.

"Whatever," Dinah retorts, leaning against the window frame. "We will just eat early then."

"Ah," Ally says as if she is refreshed. "Early bird gets the worm?"

"Nah, I'm just hungry." Dinah shrugs, turning into the window. I cringe slightly as her eyes land on the wooden shapes. I hear her scoff gently under her breath, Normani walks over and I follow like I don't know what's going on. Camila appears beside me, her creamy brown eyes widen.

"So, L really does heart C. Huh?" Ally reads the wooden blocks, I try to act like I'm confused. But I'm not, so it's difficult.

"Dinah," Normani slaps Dinah's shoulder causing the taller girl to gasp. "I can't believe you did that."

"Wha—?" Dinah asks, her tone completely and utterly in shock. "I did not—!"

"Don't lie, Jane," Ally says, using Dinah's middle name to make herself sound cool. "It's a sin."

My head whips around, I stare at Ally with wide eyes. Dinah glances at my face, she scoffs again. "What's up, green eyes, you look like you just saw a ghost." I notice Camila stiffen at Dinah's words. Nobody responds.

"Ally," I finally say, still staring at the smaller girl in disbelief. "Did you just say that homosexuality is a sin?"

Ally's face contorts into shock, she quickly shakes her head no. "Never! You can love who you want, I completely support that. I was saying that lying is a sin."

"Oh," I exhale a breath of relief. I don't know what I would of done if Ally was homophobic. I would of never been okay with myself if she was.

"Yeah, don't worry, Lauren," Dinah comments, placing her hand on my shoulder. "If you want to date Camila, we will all support you."

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